Chapter 36

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

Let's continue...

"Baby girl...!!" Avu entered her room with joy. "What my baby thinking so deeply??" She sat near Sam. Sam's face was dull and it reflected sorrow.

"Baby, are you alright?" She took her in her arm and checked whether she had fever but she was fine. "What happened Sam? Did your teacher scold you or again any clash with your friends? What happened baby?" Her anxiety increased.

"Nothing mommy, I missed you" Sam said hugging her tightly. Avu still felt that something was wrong. She pattered her back and consoled her. "Don't worry baby, do you want mommy to take leave tomorrow. Shall we go out somewhere?" She asked to console her.

"No mommy, don't want. Tomorrow I have dance class, I want to attend it" she said softly. "OK then I will take you to the exhibition this Sunday, happy?" she asked looking at her face. Sam nodded with smile but Avu felt her excitement in as missing in her face. She prayed nothing should happen to Sam.

Avu fed Sam her dinner and made her sleep in her embrace. Her heart still thought about her sad face. Sam is not the type of person to think about something and being sad but she felt that something is bothering her.

Next day,

Avu left to office early since she had some meeting. Office environment turned so funny after Ashi's visit. She used to chitchat with every staffs and she will crack funny jokes and kept the situation more flexible and friendly.

Everyone enjoyed her presence except Anu. Anu felt some insecureness from the day she joined. Avu noticed Anu's behavior but didn't comment and thought she herself open up her thoughts some day. She concentrated on her work.

Her mobile buzzed while she was busy is her work. She attended the call, she was thunderstruck and stood speechless like a statue. "Which hospital ma'am?" Her voice was shaking while tears were freely flowing down towards her cheeks.

Anu noticed her and rushed towards her. "Avu what's wrong?" She asked holding her hands. "Anu let's go, it's an emergency. Sam is in hospital" her voice came out with several struggle. Anu was shocked yet consoled her and took her out. Avu was totally broken throughout the journey. Anu consoled her.

They hospital in next fifteen minutes. "Doctor, where is Sam? She is fine right?" She asked nervously. "Cool down Avneet, she is fine now" he said making her feel alive. "Thanks a lot doctor, shall I see her?' She asked. "You can but before that I want to talk with you" he said. Avu nodded.

"Look Mrs. Avneet, you know that Sam was born with several complications and I'm saying this again. You should take care of her, you shouldn't leave her depressed that will cause several disorder in her" he said leaving her in shock.

"She was not OK Avneet, something is bothering her. She is very young to handle this situation, she is over thinking about something. You should take care about that Avneet, she is thinking something so deeply for several days which make her weak. Today she was fainted because she was in the extreme depression" he said confusing Avu.

She remembered Sam's face, she told felt Sam was disturbed. "I'll take care doctor. I'll not let any bad thing happen to her" Avu said seriously and left the room.

Avu reached the room where Sam was admitted. "Sam..." Her shaky voice came out with a weep. She ran towards her and hugged her tight, kissing all over her face. "Mommy" her baby voice came slowly.

"Baby, you scared mommy alot" she said kissing her again. Sam wrapped her arm around her neck protectively. Anu reached them and consoled her patting her shoulder.

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