chapter 18

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

Let's continue...

Days passed,

Avu visited Siddharth's office to surprise him. She walked inside his cabin but Siddharth was not there. She enquired the receptionist and got to know that he left out for some other work. Avu felt little disappointed and walked into his to wait for him.

She felt someone's presence in his personal room and went to see whether someone was there. The scene on front of her made her root in her place. ( a/u what does Avu saw?)
Any guess??
OK I will tell what she saw

She saw Ritika wearing Siddharth's coat and kissing the collar.

"Ritika!!" She shouted furiously. Rits turned and looked at her casually. "May I know what you are doing here when my husband is not in the office and what the hell were you doing with his clothes?" She asked with a rage. "Nothing much that you did Avu" she said with smirk.

"Whatever first remove his coat" she said like an order. "I won't. Who are you to order me? You're not my boss" she said arrogantly. "Look you're wearing my husband's coat which is completely disgusting. Don't test my patience. Just remove it" she shouted.

"Ohh! You couldn't tolerate this simple thing but do you know what you did to me??" She asked with same rage. "What the hell are you talking about and I never saw you in my life before. Why are you blabbering like a fool??" She replied frustratingly.

"Yes I am a fool and Avu keep this thing in your mind, you snatched my precious possession from my life. I'm the one who should be angry on you" she said looking into his eyes.

"Siddharth, Siddharth is my life. He is my first love and love of my life. He was the one who cared me the most when I was all alone and you keep this in mind. I was the only one stood in his side when he lost everthing and he too loved me so much" she said looking straight into her eyes.

"Stop it!! I know about my Siddharth, he never loved a girl other than me in his life. Stop all your cheap drama" she replied with the same fire. "Really so funny. He loved me from our childhood but before the stage when we would express our feeling, we got separated. I'm the one who left him purposely to make him work hard to achieve his goal without any diversion and there I stood as a true girlfriend who cares about her boyfriend's future.

But you, you came from nowhere to distract his mind. I don't know what is there is you which attracted him that much. He fall for you and you took that opportunity to seduce him. Finally you won and got him by..." A hard slap made her shut her mouth. ( No hate for Ritika, I personally love her and her work.)"Don't let another word. If you talk further. I'll rather kill you" Avu lost her control completely hearing her words.  She furiously removed his cabin and asked her get out of his cabin.

Avu sat there holding her forehead. "What the hell she thought about my Siddharth, he is not that king of person to love a girl and changing his mind once seeing someone else. If he loved someone truly, he would never backed from his decision. Who is she to talk about my husband like this? Don't I know my Sid? But he believed her and appointed her as his PA?" She talked with herself.

Siddharth reached the office after an hour. He saw Ritika sitting in the pantry and noticed that she was crying. He went near her and sat opposite to her. "Rits, are you OK? What happened?" He asked with concern. "Nothing Siddharth, just a headache" she replied with small smile.

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