Chapter 56

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Goals weren't completed still updating .

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Let's continue...

There stood a man of 6 feet height shooting daggers on him. His eyes were narrowed; he pointed the revolver yowards him and pulled the trigger.

He aimed to Rii, everyone stood numb thinking what to do next but Anu took long steps and stood before him within a fraction of second before the bullet reaches him.

The gunshot echoed deafeningly "Riyaz!!" The slow scream made him starled. He turned towards his wife, she was on the ground and the bullet pierced through her soft skin. His eyes filled with the hot tears and he was speechless. Her calm face flashed in his mind.

Sid was taken aback at that moment but he recovered swiftly when the man tried to shoot Rii again. Sid kicked his hand where he lost his control and dropped the revolver.

Sid's men too reached the place and they fought with the goons. Sid stood facing him giving him a death glare. The person seemed so furious once he saw Sid. He came forwaed to attack him.

But Sid punched him hard before he tried to touch him. Sid's eyes reflected his rage, another hard punch fell in his face when he tried to wake up.

Sid's eyesturned red; the vien in the middle of his forehead throbbed in frustration and he clenched his jaw attacking the goons to tried to attack him from his back.

He beat them black and blue. He turned conpletely ruthless once they attacked Anu. His anger crossed it's limit. The head of the gang, stood up slowly and walked towards him with bleeding lips.

He attacked Sid from his back but Sid managed to escape and punched his face more furiously. (A/u : I'm writing fighting scene for the first time so forgive me if I'm writing something wrong)

Rii couldn't come out from the incident. He stared her face, she lost her conscious slowly.

"Riyaz!!" Sid shouted making him feel alive. He looked at his direction, "take Anu to the hospital. She is losing her consciousnesss" he shouted thrashing the goons.

Rii looked at her face with tears and carried her in his arm. "Anu!!" His voice was shaking. He started the car and drove to the hospital.

He admitted her in the hospital and waited impatiently outside the ICU. He thought about the incident. "Why Anu, why you me to this extent? You didn't cared about your life, you didn't think for second. You were ready to give your life to save mine.

I made you cry, I avoided you several time but you had given back my lost happiness and now you are in this state" he cried kneeling down from the chair.

Sid smacked the goons and few ran away to save their lives. He turned towards the head and walked towards him. The person thought for few minutes and suddenly something popped up in his mind.

He walked two steps backwards, Sid looked at him narrowing his eyes. He pulled a child from the crowd and placed gun on her forehead. The child scream in fear.

"Siddharth!! Don't move forward. If you dare to take a step forward, I'll kill this child" he blackmailed. Sid stood numb, already Anu's life was in danger, he couldn't forgive himself if something happened to the kid too.

One of the goon attacked him, he didn't raised his hand against him. Continued by him another two person came forward to attack him.

"Hey!! Wait... I don't want you to kill him. I'll kill this bastard" he came towards him. Sid's eyebrow knotted. ""Hahaha I came here to kill that Riyaz but you came here voluntarily to spare your life" he laughed like a demon.

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