Chapter 26

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Let's continue...

"Mom" Avu said emotionally seeing her mom Sonia. "Avu" she ran towards her and hugged her tight. Avu too couldn't control her emotions and she cried her heart out hugging her mom.

"Why you punished your mom for all these years? I said those words in frustration cause my daughter's life turned upside down in a single moment. Evening mom will feel like that right, who will take such a bug thing so easily. But you left me for five years, you punished your mom" AM said in completely broken voice.

Avu cried hard hearing her words. "I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean to hurt you and I was not in my state to think further mom, at that moment I thought my decision was right but I missed you so much mom. I'm sorry please forgive me mom. Please" she cried hugging her.

"Why should I forgive you Avu, I never thought you bad and I always believe you. I know my daughter, she is not a devil to do those things, she is an angel. I know you Avu, I'll never get angry on you" she said kissing her forehead. Avu hugged her, AM embraced her protectively.

Avu raised her head and found vaish standing there. But her face indicated anger. Avu came out of the hug and she walked towards vaish. "Vaishu..." She said standing in front of her but before her word a hard slap fell on her face.

"Mommy" Sam ran towards her crying no one noticed her till that. She came near Avu and hugged her with fear. Vaish's face changed seeing Sam. She took Sam in her arm and kissed all over face. Avu smiled seeing vaish and Sam but Sam was nervous, she couldn't get what was going on. All she understood was Avu cried because of the new visitors and she totally panicked when Vaish slapped Avu.

"You don't talk with me" vaish said glaring Avu. Her anger was 100% right. She is more than a sister to her. She always cared about her more than anyone. How can she accept Avu's decision to leave her so easily.

Vaish ignored her and carried Sam in her arm. "I'm your mom" she said rubbing Sam's nosewith her nose. Sam again started crying. Avu came near her and said "yes Sam baby she is your mom too. My sister, don't get panic. She too have a baby just like you" by saying Avu took Aditi in her arm. Vaish's daughter. Aditi smiled, "Adi you became a big girl" Avu said kissing her cheeks.

Sam looked at Aditi and she loved Sam so much. "Mom, shall I play with Sam?" She asked vaish. Vaish nodded. Meanwhile, AM took Sam in her arm and kissed all over her face. Aditi took Sam with her to play. Vaish left the place once Sam left.

"Mom, where is dad?" Avu asked softly. "He is on the way Avu, he will reach tonight". She replied with smile. "Go and console her Avu. She was the one who was hurt more by your separation than me" she said with tears. "I know mom, I'll talk with her" Avu said with assurance and went in search of vaish.

Vaish sat in the backyard with tears, Avu sat near her placing her head on her shoulder with tears. "Forgive your chintu vaish, I took a selfish decision" she apologized with tears.

"Who am I to forgive you?" She said with tears. "Your'e the one who cared me every time more than a mother, protected me more than a father, teased me playfully making me happy everytime more than a friend, stood by my side and supported all my decision more than a well wishes, advised me whenever I was wrong more than a teacher, appreciated me when I done good and a beast secret keeper more than a best friend. I have all those relationships separately but I saw them all together in one person and that is you, only you" Avu said with tears.

And I'm the one who decided "something thinking only about myself, I didn't even consider my sister. How selfish I'm?" Avu completely lost her control and was pooled with tears which melted Vaish's heart.

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