Chapter 5

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Let's continue...

Avu get shocked seeing to the drawing. She has portrayed the picture of mom and daughter and she mentioned "I love you mom". At the bottom she has written "Happy Father's Day ". Avu looked at her speechlessly.

" In morning I asked Kamla ma who is a father. She said, a father is one who take care of child, protect his kid in all situation, keep his kid happy everyday, work for their happiness, buy all the things they love, whoconcoles when kid is crying, scolds while they are wrong, teach good qualities and love them unconditionally.

I thought for a moment and I got the answer. You only did all these to me, so I was very happy and I draw this picture. I show to my ma'am and explained what Kamla ma told. She gave me five stars and everyone clapped for me. She also said mine was the best among all my friends". Sam said with heart full of happiness hugging her drawing.

Avu's eyes welled up with tears. She hugged her close to her heart. Sam kissed cheeks. Avu felt her life was blessed by getting Sam in it. They had dinner and slept happily in each others embrace.

Next day was Sunday, so they both slept for a long time. Kamla ma will up Avu around 10 in the morning. " Good morning ma" she greeted with a smile. She smiled and ask her to freshen up and drink the coffee. Avu nooded and headed towards washroom. She drank the coffee and woke up Sam.

That afternoon Avu decided to prepare something special. She thought for sometime and finally decided to prepare kheer (sweet dish) . Since it was Sunday, Kamla prepared lunch and left home early. Avu prepared kheer and took Sam for lunch. Sam ate the lunch happily and her face turned bright seeing kheer. She ate kheer with amusement. Finally she licked her fingers closing her eyes which remembered Avu of the past days.

Flashback, ( written in bold)

It was cool almost summertime night. The sky was clear, not a cloud to be found anywhere. It was a mixture of dark midnight blue and purple. All swirled together to make a beautiful contrasting lights and dark of the night sky.

The star just decorated the sky. It almost looks as if someone took a handful of glitters and just threw it up to the sky. The stars were sparkling and gorgeous. The moon accented the night sky perfectly. It was three quarters half, bright and beautiful.

But Avu was not in the mood to admire the night dark sky that day. She just sat in the backyard and starred the night sky silently. Her face reflected her disappointment.

Suddenly she felt a cold arms around her waist. She jerked at first but next second she realised the person and sat there without turning back to look at his face. He teased her with his touch and pulled her more closer towards him. " I am not talking with anyone " she said firmly trying to come out of his hold.

" Why so, what I did to make my wife angry? " he asked keeping his chin on her shoulder shortening the distance with them. She felt nervous when she felt his breath on her neck. She took a deep breath to overcome the nervousness and tried to free herself
from him but his hold was very tight and she finally gave up.

" Sorry my dear wifie. Forgive your poor husband" he said in pleading tone." I am not" she said firmly. "Please" he said kissing her earlobe which made her more weaker yet she didn't consoled and kept a sad face." Baby look at me first " he said turning her towards him. She looked at his face and all her vanished looking his face after a week.

His tired restless hazel eyes which lighten up just seeing her face, his breathing smile which stolen her heart ,his messy hair which turned har crazy, his broad eyebrows which was her addiction. She starred him with no word left in her mouth.

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