Chapter 16

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

(So guys listen this Amazing song of Avneet Kaur and Akull👆🎶🎵)

Let's continue...

Note: Guys I'm changing Avu's sister so now this role is playing by Vaishnavi Rao as Vaishnavi kaur

Avu hugged him tight once she saw him in her room. "I missed you" she said slowly. "Me too" he replied sadly. It was the week since they meet. Sid and VA visited Avu's house for Vaish's baby shower function.

Next day was Vaish's baby shower function, everyone was busy in the arrangements but Sid badly missed Avu so he followed her to her roomwhen she left the place alone.

"You had food properly all these days right??" She asked worriedly. "Hmm, mom was with me. So she took care of food" he replied with assurance. Avu relaxed after hearing his words. "Okay, okay now leave me I have several works to do" she said sweetly. He smile and released her from his hold. He admired all her actions. Her smile, her way of behaving with elders, Her beautiful pout and smile turn him crazy.

Next day, Vaish's baby shower function held grandly with heart full of happiness. VA wished her good health, stayed there for the whole day and took part in every arrangements along with Avu's parent. They felt happy to see her humble personality.

VA and Sid left their house the next day. "I'll miss you. To be Frank I'm already missing you" he said while packing. "I'll come soon. So don't worry. Eat properly, shouldn't shop your meals" she said like an order. "As you said madam" he obeyed like a child and he was about to move from his place. She held his hand, "don't go" she said sadly.

He smiled and hugged her delicately caressing her head. "You're here to welcome our first son/daughter. So you shouldn't feel sad" he said softly. She smiled hearing his words and nodded in response. They stood there like that for few minutes forgetting the world, while VA called him they both came back to the reality.

"Okay okay, you can leave. It's getting late" Avu said kissing his cheeks. He too kisses her nose playfully and bud her bye. She smiled and came out to send off them. "I'm expecting next Baby shower function soon" VA said with a grin while looking at Avu. Avu lowered her head and nodded in exceptance with a blush. VA smiled caressing her head. They both left bidding their good byes.

One side she missed him but another side very much rather to see Vaish's child.

Days past very fast and finally Vaish have birth to beautiful baby girl. Avu kept her name Aditi ( Sidneetloveriaa welcome to my story😅). Everyone was on mine cloud and celebrated the day like a festival. Everyone said that the child looks like Abhishek the most. Avu too noticed and felt the same. Avu found happiness in Vaish and Avu too wanted to feel those moments.

She thought how beautiful it would be if their child look same like Sid, his eyes, his attitude, OMG!! She thought and remind about VA's words while she was leaving. She blushed once again.

She tried calling him continuously but his number was not reachable. She thought he might be busy and forget the rest things admiring the kid. Days went very fast but from those days she didn't got call from him which she felt very strange. He never miss to call her daily but it was two weeks he called her when she tried to reach his number, it would be either switched off or not reachable.

She didn't took that serious and thought he might be busy in project work. But she speak with VA every day. VA to said that Sid didn't call her which confused Avu, she felt to see him so she asked her dad to book the tickets the next day.

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