Chapter 14

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

Let's continue...

Six months later,

"How are you baby?" Avu asked with joy. "Fine but missing you. Let's meet next month" Jannat replied sadly. "Yeah,  sure" Avu agreed happily. "Where is Siddharth?" She asked. "He has not yet came. I think he will be late today" Avu replied sadly.

"He didn't inform you?" Jannat asked with rage. "Yeah, a new project is going on and he is very busy in that. He is in a very important stage of his career, so I shouldn't distract him. But I am missing him so much now a days. It's been three months, he smiled at me and talked with me normally" Avu replied sadly.

"I understand baby, don't feel sad. He to miss you but not showing it". She consoled Avu. Avu hummed as response. "Okay, what about Faisu?" Avu asked. "Same like him, always running behind his work and not caring about his wife" she said with anger. Avu smiled and consoled her.

"Avu, I wanna tell you something" she said with hesitation. "Tell me baby" Avu asked with smile. "I think, I am pregnant" she said in confused tone. "Seriously!! Oh my God. I'm very happy for you darling. Muahhhh 😘" Avu replied with joy. "But..." She said. "What? What's bothering you. This is the time you should be very happy. Why your voice is so dull". Avu asked with concern.

"I'm afraid Avu. I don't know why but I have some unknown fear" she replied sadly. "Nothing like that baby. My girl is very strong and she can face everything boldly" Avu cheered her up. "Have you confirmed it?" Avu asked. "Not yet, but I can feel that" she replied slowly. "Have you told this to Faisu?" She asked doubtfully.

"No" she replied sternly. "Why you didn't tell him? He will be very happy if you say this right" she asked with concern. "He won't. Only his business is important for him. I am not going to reveal this. I'm very much anger on him" she said with anger. "Are you crazy. Don't do that Jannu. He will be happy and you should tell him this good news. Now you end my call, call him and tell him this happy news" she said.

"Hmm, I too need to consult doctor. I didn't say this with anyone, I felt to tell you" she said. "Don't think about anything. This is the time to be happy and in next nine months, you will give birth to a beautiful baby same like you. Everything will be happy once the baby visited the earth" she said happily. Jannat agreed and ended the call. Avu's hearty fluttered in happiness.

"A baby is the dancing joy of the life and a bundle of happiness God gift us. Avu thought and felt happy to welcome Jannat's baby. How cute is I have a baby just like Siddharth. His face, his nose, his eyes his character, his skills. Whoo!! It will be so cute and I'll be the most luckiest mom" she said while lost in her own imaginary world.

She prepared dinner and weird for him but add usual he was late. She ate that food half- heartedly and slept on the couch which became her routine for those days. Siddharth was very busy in his works for last few days. He came home very late and for job early morning. He already informed her about that and apologized for that too. Avu understood his position and never questioned or argued for his activities.

She slept thinking about some random things. She felt like someone touching her forehead. She slowly opened hey eyes and was surprised to see him. "You came early?" She asked with excitement. "Time is 12:30" he said rolling his eyes. "Ohh! I thought it will be around 11" she replied smile.

"Why are you sleeping here uncomfortably". He asked while caressing her hair. "I didn't get sleep. So thought to watch TV but slept without my concern and you know what I didn't like to sleep in our room alone. It's making me miss you more" she replied sadly.

"Sorry honey" he said sitting close to her. "Don't be sorry. I can understand" she replied with smile. "And one happy news. All my work are done and from now I'm going to spend time with my cute wife. No office stuffs for a week" he said happily. "Really!!"She asked with joy. He nodded by giving her close. She felt happy since she missed him alot.

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