Chapter 59

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Hey guys wlecome back!!!

Let's continue...

"Power cut!!? Somwthing is wrong" Sid thought and called someone. "What's happenning?" He yelled. "Sorry sir, we don't know how it happened. We will check" person in the opposite side apologized.

After few mintues on were on. Sid's eyes searched Avu but he couldn't find her there. He searched for her in the hall and kitchen but she was not there. His heart tenanted with fear. Everyone seems so happy enjoying the party.

He took long steps to climb the stairs and reached his room. His heart calmed and he sighed in relief seeing her there. "Avu!!" She turned hearing his voice with a smile. He walked towards her and hugged her close to his heart, she heard his uneven heartbeat and patted his back to console him.

"What happened Sid?" She asked slowly. "Nothing I...I just missed you." He replied nervously. Avu could understand that something else was eating up his mind. She cupped his face delicately making him look at her.

"Don't worry about anything Siddu" she said with a smile, he nooded. "Don't go anywhere leaving me alone Avu" he uttered though he felt it was insane. "I'll not" she understood his state amd replied to calm him down. After few minutes they reached the party hall. Guests started to leave, they both stood there to send them off.

Ri and Anu too left the place. " Ok Avu you both take rest. Good night" VA greeted them with a smile. Avu too smiled and greeted her good night, Sid's mind was filled up with several thoughts.

"Mom, where is Sam?" He asked. VA's eyes widen. "Isn't she in your room?" She asked anxiously. "No mom, I thought she is in your room" Avu replied with a panicking voice. "She might be with SF, don't worry. Come let's check in our room" VA said but Sid was already in there room.

His heart trembled in fear once he saw the empty room. He searched everywhere in his house but Sam was not there. Avu never thought something like that might happen in her life. She sat there staring soemwhere in shock.

Sid reached the garden area and searched her there. "Sam...!! Baby...!!" His voice loud and it was mixed with fear. He couldn't find her there too. VA and SF searched her in another corner of the house.

Sid sat on the desk and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Something caught his attention, he walked near that nervously. He took the show in his hand and he knew that, it was Sam's shoe which he bought her the previous day.

He knelt down in that place feeling like he lost everything in his life. "How could you be so careless, Siddharth?" His mind yelled at him. His heart screamed, he felt completely helpless. "How I'll face you Avu? I failed as a son, I failed as a husband and now I failed as a dad. Why should I rather live in this world?!" He screamed letting all his frustration.

The entire world seemed dark, Avu couldn't speak anything, she felt like she was there without soul. VA sat near her weeping. "SF did you got any information?" She wept.

"Just now I filed the police complaint Vibha, I requested them to handle this case with high priority. I'm informing my friends and some private agencies for help. Our grand daughter will be here in our home within twenty four hours" he consoled her.

"You take care of Avu, she might be broken. Don't leave her alone" he instructed and VA nooded. As a mother, she understood her state and she doesn't have any words to console her.

"How it happened bro? Everyone was there right?" Ri couldn't believe what he said. "I was too in the same confusion Riyaz. That powercut was something abnormal. I felt that and I left it carelessly and as a result I lost my daughter" Sid's voice was broken.

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