Chapter 28

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Hey guys welcome back!!

Double update for two reasons -


So this chapter is for IqraFatima9A. Happy Birthday dear may God bless you❤❤


This book hit 15k reads thank you so much guys. Love you all💞💞

Let's continue...

"Stop it" VA shouted at the top of her lungs. "Mom, please be cool" Sid said but VA cut him off "Mom..!! Don't call me mom. And don't you dare to talk all these rubbish about my daughter" she was in verge of grief.

"No mom, I saw everthing and she herself accepted the truth" he tried to console her. "I don't know what happened on that day but Avu is a gem and Sid you dissapointed me to the core. How can you accuse the girl who you love truly. How can you do this to her Siddharth? And when you came to this conclusion?" She asked looking at straight.

"Mom actually on the day when you met with the accident. I got information from the police that the accident was a murder attempt. So I asked my men to investigate over the accident. That evening they caught the lorry driver and they tortured him, finally he revealed the truth.

But I never trusted him MA, I reached home and I asked her about the money you deposited on her name. Her face expression changed and she turned nervous. She stumbled to answer. What I want more than that? If she is innocent, where is that money? She so not the type of person to spend money lavishly.

She was very possessive and once she slapped Ritika because of her possessiveness. Rits just said something to kid her not she took that so seriously and slapped her. You only solved that issue between us. I thought that was simple incident but one day I casually asked her what she will do if someone try to get close to me it tried to snatch me from her, she replied that she will kill the person. At that time I took that as fun but she proved what she meant mom.

And I got some photos portraying me and Rits too close. I hope she too got that pic and that was the reason she was angry on Rits and tried to kill her. You was with her so you got injured and I literally lost you mom.

Mom, I was the one who longed for your love several years. I got that love only after twenty years. She snatched that from me because of her mistrust on me. How can I tolerate that mom???" He was completely broken kneeling on the ground.

Avu starred at him blankly throughout his accusation. She was already broken and there was nothing more to break the broken pieces again. She had no longer hopes and dreams. She felt like she endured all the pain a human can bear. She moved from the place but a protective arm hold her carefully.

She looked at VA who held her hand. VA's eyes said that she will be with her at any situation. Avu's images tears came out breaking all its boundaries.

"Means you believe that Avu has done that crime. But that was four years ago right. How you kept her with you without punishing her?" VA asked sarcastically. "How can he forgive or forget her sin. That's why he drove her out from the house that night itself. She was away from us all these days. I don't know how she came here now all of the sudden" SD said with irritation which made VA's  world stumbled.

"That means you sent my daughter out when she was pregnant. Are you a human?? Am I the mother of a heartless beast?" VA's word killed him. "No mom, I don't know whether was pregnant. She hidden that too" he said but before he complete. "Oh! If you know that she was pregnant. You wouldn't have sent her out? You're so concerned about your child but not her mother isn't it Siddharth?" Her words pierced his hear like sharp arrow.

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