Hidden route; 6. Calmness before the storm

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"Haha, you're still not wearing any makeup? You know girls are supposed to look in the mirror and fix their makeup, not wash it. Maybe I can teach you few things later.."

"I don't need makeup. I'm already very pretty"

I cut her off while combing my long black hair backwards, trying to calm myself down with the cold fresh water. Fortunately Asuka doesn't seem to have any weapons on her so I don't have to worry about being stabbed again.

"You're right. But as a human being you still lack few things"

I decided to ignore her and tried to walk fast her, back to my safe zone. However my wrist was grabbed by her delicate one, holding it in place firmly.

Does being a yandere gives you strength or something? Despite having such a thin hands, she's amazingly strong.

"One of the things you lack is money"

"So what? Are you trying to buy our oh-so beautiful friendship back?"

Sakura simply smiled back and pulled out a small fruit knife from her pockets.

A shiver ran down my spine as I harshly pulled back my wrist with all my might, which fortunately worked. I was ready to speed out of the room until Sakura grabbed one of the girls entering the toilet nearby and put the knife around her throat.

"Second thing you lack is physical strength"

"Wh-what's going on.. please let me go I've nothing..."

The poor girl screamed and kicked but stopped after noticing the cold object around her neck. Because of her struggles, her neck started bleeding which made her unable to do anything.

"What do you want?"

"If you wanna save her, come with me"

Huh? Is she serious?

"Pff- hahaha, what the hell? Why do I have to save her?"

I can't help but laugh at her.

The so calm and calculating girl's eyes were now clouded with jealousy. She seemed like someone from asylum. And I was confident it was just an empty threat because her points didn't raise any further.

"She's going to die because of you"

"Then I'll definitely attend her funeral and your trial in the court as a witness. Satisfied?"

I'd care less about side character like her dying. I don't care about the people from this world anymore if it's not related to the game.

"Haaa.. Fine fine... I knew you'd act like this. The third thing you lack is kindness after all. You only care about people you love. A truly selfish human being"

Sakura sighed in defeat and fortunately let the girl go, who ran away frantically asking for help. I too decided to move away from here since she'll definitely call the police.

"I won't do anything to you, yet. So goodbye. Hope we'll see each other soon"

[Yoshimoto Sakura: 8]

Sakura put on some hideous looking hat on her head and ran fast me towards the exit.

I must say.. I felt insulted after she told me how I lack kindness. I'd have still been alive if I lacked that damn kindness she's talking about.

With a sigh I went back only to find out the movie has already finished. I can't believe I spent my precious time conversing with Sakura instead of resting without Kazuma's watchful eyes for a bit.

"What took you so long? The movie is already finished. You made me watch a scary movie all by myself"

Stop that Kazuma, pouting doesn't suit you in the slightest.

Well, it does suit his handsome appearance but we all know how his personality is.

"I'm sorry. I just bumped into.. someone I know. So where should we go next?"

With a gentle smile I smoothly changed the topic. Knowing him, he probably figured out who it was from my uncomfortable expression. Nonetheless he hold my hand and we both headed outside, somewhere only he knows.

"Yoshino nee-san!!! You're back!"

A bunch of children came running towards me with a wide grin as soon as I step foot outside the car.

"Is this place perhaps.."

"Yes. It's the new orphanage. From now on the kids will be living here"

I can't believe in my eyes.

The building before me was completely different from the old wooden orphanage I know of. It was basically a mansion that looks as fancy as Kazuma's house.

Seriously, the money balance of this world is truly scary.

With a dumbfounded expression I hugged back the small frail things that's clinging onto me like a lost puppy. It seems like all of them were playing outside as they have red cheeks and noses.

"Okay kids that's enough of family reunion for now. Go inside or else you'll catch a cold"


They dashed into the building. Kazuma and I also followed them.

That was the first time I wasn't uncomfortable with kids. Maybe they were.. little cute? Although I don't know any of them, it was nice seeing these little things running around with happy expression. Yes, children must be only thinking about what to play next or eat some sweets without worrying about what to eat tomorrow or where to live.

"You look happy"

Kazuma looked surprised by my reaction. I too, was also surprised and I can feel myself genuinely smiling from the bottom of my heart after seeing bunch of fictional characters showing me affection.

"Yeah, thanks a lot for bringing me here"

[Katsuragi Kazuma: 4]

[Katsuragi Kazuma: 3]

"As long as you stay by my side, I'll protect them. I hope you make your choice wisely, Yoshino"

I felt that in this conversation both of us were finally dropping our act as a couple and was being honest with each other.

"I will"

I will choose wisely and definitely leave this world to different one, a place full of normal people, not with this lovesick idiots. Anyway it was smart of me to open up to him a little seeing how his points dropped by two. As far as I know, Kazuma seems to be the most safe choice for now.

That day was filled with laughter. As much as I hate to admit, I played with the kids for several minutes. It was really unexpected but being close to existences that definitely won't turn into lovesick puppy or harm me made me drop my guards.

If you don't include my unexpected meeting with Sakura, today was a good day.

It was peaceful, quiet and calm.

Like calmness before the storm.

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