Third route; 9. Meeting with Riku

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The second person who bought my, no, Asuka's information.

If I can't find this person the bad ending is waiting for me. And that informant who I assume is Sora, refused to tell us which means that mysterious person can be either Sora's friend or paid a lot of money to seal his mouth.

As far as I know Sora doesn't have a close friend expect from me. He's someone who looks down on everyone saying they're bugs compared to him.

That arrogant kid's friend must be someone really smart, rich and person with a high self esteem. That person's communication skill must be perfect to be friends with someone like Sora.

I can only think of one person.

Yukino Riku.

I didn't bump into him after the first route. However I know he's somewhere around the school, crushing people he doesn't like into dust by using his perfect socializing skills and money.

In the end no matter where you go, money is powerful. If I had my Visa card I would've cleared this stupid route with a flying points.

Anyway thanks to Usato, I'm sitting in a cafe, waiting for Riku to show up. Never in my life I felt this nervous while waiting for a guy.

I just have to be careful enough to not get on his good or bad side. I have to call him Yukino and act like we're strangers.

"Good morning, Asuka-chan"

[You've encountered the first capture target, Yukino Riku]

[Third route is currently in process. Making friendly relationship with other capture targets may effect the scenario]

The red haired guy I was so afraid of, casually greeted and sit in front of me. I forgot he and I were classmates before.

"Good morning, Yukino-kun. Thanks for coming here to meet me. I really needed to talk to you" I also tried my best to normally greet back with a smile but I couldn't stop my hands from shaking under the table.

He's still the same even in a different route. 

"So, what do you want to ask?"

"Are you acquaintances with Katsuragi Kazuma-kun?"

"Yes. You can say we're close friends"

What a bullshit. I can't imagine this guy befriending with someone. Kazuma is probably one of his pawns or someone who has an equal power as him.

"Why're you asking something like that? Did he do something to you?"

Riku asked with a serious and concerned face. I feel like everything he does is fake. He probably knows about what amusing things his close friend tried to do.

"Nope, I just wanted to clear Yukino-kun's name. You probably know the rumors about my family right? Since it's pretty famous news in the school nowadays. That day before the news spread Katsuragi-san called me to meet with him at school. He said you and Sakura-chan are the one who knows about my background and Katsuragi-san heard it from you. Of course I believe Yukino-kun won't do something like buying information of a girl like me. So can you please help me fix this misunderstanding?"

As expected Riku is good at hiding his expression. However I can see his eyes darkening.

He's probably making a plan to murder me right now.

He's already aware about the fact that I'm recording this conversation so he has to be extremely careful. As a son of a rich family keeping one's reputation is really important. Now will he throw his friend away or deny it?

Even if he deny it, I've a recording of Katsuragi's team chasing after me. The police maybe powerless against these rich brats but I believe journalists will be powerful against them.

"If my friend did something like that I apologize. I was just gathering information of my former classmates to send them Christmas present. I think Katsuragi-kun has accidentally seen it from my table"

He didn't completely throw away his so called friend. Either way will benefit me so it's fine.

"So you're telling me it's right to collect people's information without permission? Because of that I'm having a quite hard time at school"

After saying that sentence I almost regretted it because Riku dropped his smile.

"What do you want?"

His voice may sound normal but his glare said otherwise. He was making the same face when he looked down on me in the bathroom.

"I want you to answer my two questions honestly. I'll delete everything in this phone after this"

"Just two questions?"

"Yes. Will you agree?"

"Let's hear your question first. And I'll appreciate it if you stop recording our conversation"

"Of course. I'll stop it now" I said and put my phone on the table, visible to both of us. It was hard to show my shaking hands but I managed to hide it perfectly.

"Then the first question. Did you know Sakura bought my information before you?"

"I knew because I got it from her. But I know that information has still something missing. Otherwise Sakura won't buy some normal girl's information with that much money and sell it to others with a cheap price, right?

That missing things is the fact that Asuka is the killer, not her mother. Sakura is trying to hide this from others and at the same time threatening me by spreading half of the truth.

"Haha, you're right. Then the second question, no, it's rather a request. Please find the second person who've the real information"

"So, there's more?"

"Yes, I believe there's one more person and that person is hiding his or her identity. Please find that person"

"Finding that person is same as getting that 'real' information you're talking about. Is it fine with you?"

If I find that person it's same is winning this route. I'll leave this route before I get into prison so of course it's fine.

"Yes it doesn't matter. I'll be waiting for a good news from you. Have a nice day, Yukino-kun"

I quickly got up and grabbed my phone, preparing to leave until I heard him say something again.

"You can call me Riku"


"You can call me Riku. I believe we can be friends. How about go on a date with me in the near future?"

No thanks. That's same as telling me to die. If I ever go on a date, either you or Sakura will kill me, in the worst case cripple me and I'll have to spend four days in pain.

"F-fine, Riku-kun. Let's meet later" However I couldn't bring myself to reject him because it'll look suspicious. I've to meet with him later anyway.

"Sure. Good bye"

I hurriedly rushed towards the exit and took a deep breath to make myself feel slightly better. My hands finally stopped trembling but my peaceful time didn't last long.

[Yoshimoto Sakura: 6]

"What're you doing here,"

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