First route; 2. Yukino Riku

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What's wrong with this damn revealing uniform? The shirt is too tight and the skirt is barely covering my butt. At least this thing has a leggings which isn't really helping.

It was the only clothes that was in the wardrobe. Looks like 'I' was in a dormitory and hasn't unpacked my stuff yet.

In the bag there was this body's belongings such as phone and thankfully headphones! The soft music was helping me to calm my mind.

Another good thing is I'm understanding, talking and reading perfectly in japanese. Not only that the game rules were stuck in my head without even trying to recognize

The bad news is I have to go to this so called school in front of me. Calling this a school is a mistake. It's like a castle in modern times. Even the dormitory I was which looks like a 5 star hotel looked much regular than this.

Therefore I was certain that this isn't my world. It looks like technologies are still here but it's definitely different.

Everyone has a colorful hairs. Of course there's a people who have red, blue or even green hairs it's not something you see every minute, especially around school. Actually the body I'm in was the only one who has a black hair. Others have a many different colored hairs.

First I must find the 1-D class. I despise being in a crowded places including school. I struggled so much to fit into the society.

But I don't have to be the miss perfect here since it's just a game.

I don't even have to study since every subject is clearly inside my head. I was a straight A student and my IQ level is higher than that of an average student. My only weakness is physical abilities but that was because of my unhealthy body. This time it can be different.

Using the map I found from my bag I found the class room easily. Since it's the first day of school students were currently busy chatting amongst themselves. Without attracting a single person's attention I found myself a seat at the behind in the middle row.

Unlike in the past I don't need to communicate with these fake people who only do nothing but talk behind people. It's the most disgusting but common thing in society. To become one of them I had to maintain my polite smile most if the time and actually participate in some of the conversation.

While observing the characteristics of my new classmates I found myself staring at the red haired boy entered the classroom. He has a blonde hair that resembles a sun and very handsome face. He has a aura around him screaming he can be friends with anyone.

The type of person I hate the most.

[The first capture target Yukino Riku has appeared. Clear his route to get a 200 points]

[Mission: avoid making friends in class. Prize: 10 points Penalty: none]

I wasn't planning to make one anyway. But didn't the game mentioned that I've a friend named Sakura? Maybe she's in another class.

As soon as this guy named Yukino Riku entered the class he become the center of attention. With a perfect smile and smooth way of talking he overwhelmingly took over the class with his charming aura.

My task is to make him love me right? Then how am I supposed to do that when I can't make a friend in this classroom?

No, scratch that. What happens when I fail the game? 4 days of spending in the game after the ending is such a big deal? Plus I've to find the hidden character right?

Hidden character... who can that person be? He's definitely someone charming like Yukino. But then again every single character here has their own charm. Will game notice me if I bump into him like it did with Yukino?


I found someone talking to me. Turns out it was the same charming guy from before named Yukino.


"Oh sorry. I was spacing out" I answered awkwardly out of reflex. The same smile I use when talking to others appeared automatically. I reminded myself again that I can be myself here, which caused me to drop that smile eventually.

"My name is Yukino Riku" he raised his hand towards me, expecting for a handshake.

"I see" I answered coldly, simply staring at his hand that's waiting for me. He flinched in surprise and I can see a anger in his eyes. With his back facing other students they didn't realize this other face of him and simply muttered bad things about me being rude.

As expected their judgment were purely based on outer looks and simple actions of few minutes. Human's nature didn't change even in this game.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"You can see it on my name plate"

"Asuka Yoshino... that's a pretty name"

"Thanks for the compliment"

"I hope we can be friends in the future"

I didn't respond that. The mission says I've to stay as a loner in class. I don't think I can respond to that even if it was merely out of politeness.

[Yukina Riku: 1]

A number appeared in front of me. Looks like others can't see it especially the boy who sat next to me after greeting me. I didn't know what it means and simply stared at it, trying my best to hide my surprise or else I'll look like a madman. I need to get used to it.

While staring at it, I found a question mark on the corner. The teacher came in and greeted students but I was busy analyzing the flowing thing only visible for me.

Just as I was thinking about the small question mark the thing clicked on it's own and a something like google search appeared.

Did it read my mind or something?

[No. The reality game program is capable of reading facial expressions of the player and can analyze what the player wants. If you've a question please write it down on your phone. We'll try our best to answer some of your questions]

Just what I needed!

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