Third route; 11. 'Cats' and mouse

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Luck; Success of failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.

So the reason why I'm thinking about this word's meaning is because I need it right now so so much.

"Hey Asuka Yoshino, stop right there!"
"Damn! How's she so fast?"
"Did you call Katsuragi-san?"
"He isn't picking up his phone so I just texted him"
"We've to catch her before he gets angry"
"I agree"

Hearing the chat of the two idiots chasing after me I ran even faster. If I include the time I ran to come here I've been running about 40 minutes nonstop now.

I have a feeling that Saturday is my bad day. Every unfortunate thing happened to me was always on Saturday.

But right now I don't have a time to blame the day for all of this unfortunate events. I just have to run forward to find a more crowded place. However there wasn't a single living being around these streets expect from birds. Why did I ran into a secluded place like this? And what the hell were they doing here?

The worse news is Usato isn't picking up his phone. I've to deal with these two strong teenagers by myself.

Do I have to use violence and threaten the damn creator of this world for points like a beggar again? Anyway I'm too tired to even win against a healthy male teenager let alone two of them at that. Additionally this method won't work since Sakura's 'yandere' point are much higher.

So I've no one to rely on right now. The area I'm running around is something like a mountain filled with houses. It was slippery as hell because of the cold weather and running through these streets was same as climbing a mountain.

After reaching the top of it I decided to use a faster way.

"Wait, what's she doing? Why's she kicking of the trash cans now?"

"Because I'm going to use it's cap to go skiing on this beautiful day b*tches"

I don't know why I answered like that and even sweared but it felt refreshing to see their dumb faces. Maybe because of that wonderful feeling I didn't notice how crazy my idea was.

"H-Holy shit! It's not stopping... how do I stop this!!?"

The terror I felt that time was worse than traumatic sight I witnessed in the second route. The wind was preventing me from seeing things fully and it's speed become faster and faster.

Imagine, a girl sitting on a trash can and screaming all over the street while gliding down? If it wasn't an empty street I'd be dead from embarrassment right now.

After two minutes of gliding process it finally stopped. I can still see those two jerks running after whilst trying their best not to slip on the ground and 'follow after me' by their butts. If that happens I'll consider this as my lucky day regardless of all of this shity things happening to me.

Of course needless to say the luck wasn't with me and those two didn't fall. Realizing the bitter truth I continued to run even though I'm ready to collapse at any minute from exhaustion. It's my first time sweating this much outside during winter.

I really want to eat an ice cream. Thinking back those days when Sakura was a normal rich girl was nice. Now she might put poison in my ice cream if I ever ask for her to buy me one.

Because I was many steps ahead of them they were out of my vision. Using that wonderful chance I turned around the corner and hide behind another big trash can. Seriously why's there so many trash cans here when there's no one living here?

I can hear the footsteps and quickly closed my mouth to stop my breathing noises. Now I understand why all of those characters in a horror movie, cover their mouth when they hide from the killer, ghost or whatever. When you're hiding even your breathing sound and heartbeat feel loud. Plus I can't run anywhere if they find me, cuz m it's the end of the street.

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