First route: 7. Bully

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Few days passed since my so called classmates started hating me. It has been quiet and surprisingly I didn't receive any missions.

Not knowing what to do for many days, just as I was getting used to my daily life, a sudden invitation came from a few girls.

It suddenly reminded me of a novel I read when I was in middle school. It was about a girl that doesn't have any friends and getting bullied at school. Then her prince charming appeared and saved her from lots of trouble.

The girls that called out to me reminded of those bullies. Maybe same thing might happen to me now in this novel like world.

When we get to the washroom one of the girls suddenly slammed me to the wall.

"What's your relationship with Riku-kun?" One of the three girls asked out of the blue. It's been several days since I even talked to him and now they're asking my relationship with him? They're just searching for an excuse to bully me.

"My seat mate and class mate" I answered honestly but in a mocking tone.

"Don't lie! Do you think we don't know? You've been flirting with him since the first day!" Another one shouted. Did they consider 'giving death glare' as a flirt or something?

"Are you his girlfriend?"


"I take that as a no then" I cut the other girls off and continued. "The school started only few days ago. There wasn't enough time for us to get closer yet, so there's still a chance for you to be his girlfriend"

The leader of the three girls, who I talked to just now blushed furiously. That was some realistic reaction the game character got there.

"Stop talking nonsense and stay away from him. Or else we'll make your life living hell, understand?"

Can our relationship can be worse than this? I need to find a student to exchange his/her seat with me. If someone ever wants to sit with me that's it.

I wanted to answer but my words didn't come out. Instead something like a system's message popped up in front of me. It surprised me a bit seeing I didn't receive any missions for a while.

But it wasn't a mission this time.

[1. I understand]


[3. Who are you to control me?]

I couldn't move or say anything and stood there like an idiot. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. Do I have to say the lines on here or fill that blank space or...

Choose from these three?

The last one might be correct cuz I've seen girls playing games like this by choosing an option.

But these three options are so dumb in this situation. I'll look like an idiot if I keep quiet, I don't want to submit myself to them and arguing back will make me look like I've feelings for that jerk.

I would rather die than getting involved with that bastard so submission is the best way.

"I understand. I won't get involved with him"

My mouth moved automatically like it has a mind on it's own as soon as I made my decision.

My goal is to finish this game by collecting small points. I'll fulfill all those missions but continue to act distant with Riku. Even if Riku falls for me I will act harsh.

I just hate that guy so much.

"If you understand it then that's good. Riku-san must continue to be everyone's Riku" with that she left.

I was too stressed to laugh at her stupid last sentence. Brushing off all those thoughts I just decided to enjoy by buying everything I want with my unlimited money.

[Yukino Riku: 3]

A message popped up again.

It felt similar to that incident with gangsters from few days ago. As expected, the capture target was watching me and didn't help.

I knew my guess is true because the said male was standing in front of the door, with his stupid smile on.

He keeps it all the time even if something bad happens. Creepy.

I ignored him and tried to walk fast.

Yes, Tried.

"Where're you going seat mate? We haven't settled our business here yet"

"To classroom. If you've business with me let's talk later"

"Do you wanna know? I was the one..."

"Yeah, yeah. You were the one who sent those girls. It's all over your face idiot" I cut him off. His expression slightly changed but returned back to normal.

"That's good then. If you continue to act like this I'll continue to..."

"Send those bullies? Spread false rumors? You're welcome to do it. I don't give a fuck about you and your pathetic blackmailing skills" I again cut him off. I can see his patience was running out.

Good. I'll fail this route, complete the other three and find the hidden character. I don't care about this world anymore expect from missions.

"Don't care huh?"

He suddenly started using lower tone instead of his cheerful disgusting one. For some reason the temperature around the room was getting cold.

"I'll break you badly so that you'll need to care about only me. Let's see who will..."

"Okay okay. Just get out of here. You're in a girl's washroom"

The reality hit him really hard till the point he became unable to move for a while. Using that opportunity I ran for my next class before the bell.

I didn't know what happened to him. He ditched classes and thankfully didn't show me his handsome but disgusting face.

[Yukino Riku: 4]

Why did it rise? Is he some kind of masochist? I'm treating him badly, ignoring him successfully and avoiding him as good as I can. But his interest just randomly rise and fall.

I'm not sure about how he thinks of me but one thing I'm certain is nothing good happen when his interest rise.

He's definitely plotting something again.

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