Final route 7; Amusement Park

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"H-hey big sister.. would you like to play with me?"


"A cuddle please?"


"At least tell me some fairy tales?"

"You look like you're already in fifth grade. Read it yourself"

It has been two days since they brought the kid and started to live like nothing happened. Ariana was getting impatient and afraid that the 'alien' aka the dark angel would find her while the little girl was persistently trying to get closer to Ariana.

Just so she could escape and go back to her dream character, Saito.

Of course Ariana could see through the girl. The fact that she clings to her even around L was starting to get cringy every passing day.

Though it has been only two days, to Ariana it felt like twenty years in confinement with some tricky animal she's allergic to.

"L, I want to take some fresh air"

She needed some time to stay alone for a moment and clear her mind. With this little sticky monkey around, she just couldn't get herself to rest comfortably.

"Great. I was just thinking about the same thing. How about the three of us go somewhere today?"


"Yes, you, Asuka and me. Let's go to.. mm, an amusement park maybe?" L asked, his usual emotionless eyes brimming with excitement.

"Nah, I'll pass. The two of you go together"

"No, sister should go with us too! Your anger might subside if you play around a little" the little girl cut in.

Asuka (Little) has been waiting for a chance to escape for the last two days and couldn't do a single thing under the silver haired guy's watchful stares. At first she was deceived by the appearance but as time passes, the guy looked scarier than the woman.

Actually she dislikes Ariana but she also knows that she can only get her chance to escape if she were to come with them.

Ariana annoyingly glanced down towards the girl then L and sighed. "That's more the reason why I won't go"

"But are you sure you want to stay here alone? Without my protection something might happen to you.. you know?"

In the end she was dragged out of the house.

'Amusement park.. When was the last time I went to such place again?'

Before coming here, Ariana lived the life of a loner. She didn't hang around with her friends much and preferred staying indoors for the time being.

However today was an exception as she was dragged towards various crazy looking things like the rollercoaster by L and the little devil, her patience slowly running out. Finally, after what felt like forever, the little demon ran out of energy and decided to rest.

"Woah, that looks so pretty! Can I buy one of those please?"

"Sure. Ariana, do you want one too?" L asked.

"No thanks"

L nodded and ran off to buy a balloon, leaving the two girls alone.

Asuka (the little one) slightly glanced towards the older girl. She looked so pretty and dazzling just like heroine of a romance manga. Yet, there was this scary aura around her that makes her feel unapproachable.

'Now is the time'

The little girl slowly moved to the side and tried to run away.

But unluckily, the back of her collar was pulled backwards.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ariana asked, sounding more pissed than ever. She was about to melt under the scorching sun and on top of that, the noise of many people swarming around the park didn't help either. However the girl just had to test her patience by trying to take advantage of her tiredness.

"Let go! I've to get back to Saito nii-chan!"

"Tsk. Just stay still until L returns. Don't you want to leave this world and return home?"

The girl's body noticeably stiffened at the word 'home'.

"I won't go back"

"Why?" Ariana asked. "Is there something going on in your home? No matter what is it, I'm confident that it's better for you to return home rather than living in a fiction"

"NO!! I won't return! It's like a dream to live here! You don't know anything about my life!!"

With her small strength, Asuka pushed off Ariana and ran off with tears in her eyes. As much as Ariana just wanted to grab the girl again, she knew she mustn't do that.

"Ariana.. where's Asuka?"

L asked, finally returning with one heart shaped balloon in hand.

"She ran off. Let's go find her"

L sighed, as if he knew something like this would happen. But it was basically impossible for the two of them to find a small girl from this swarming amount of people.

After sometime of walking around, Ariana finally broke the silence.
"So... aren't you gonna explain why we're here?"

She has been wondering about the reason for a while. Why'd he bring both of them here, despite the risk of losing the girl?

Without saying a word, L took out a shiny thing from his pocket, which looks like huge old fashioned key. Though it looked more like something that belongs to a museum.

"Do you remember the three hints to win, Ariana?"

Her eyes widened at the realization.

[Three hints to win:
1. You must buy an item called 'golden key'
2. You can replay the route from the very beginning with the cost of fifty points to collect more points. If you don't have enough points to pay you'll be transferred to 'one hour before the bad ending'.
3. If you find the hidden character you must report it to the system by using an item called 'Connector']

At that time, Ariana didn't have the luxury to read and memorize it carefully as she had three psychos to deal with. But now she felt stupid for ignoring something as important as this.

"System shop"

Ariana quickly typed golden key on the search bar and it popped up.

[Item: Golden key
Rank: Unknown
Cost: 1000 points]

"Just how did you get so many points to afford this?"

Come to think of it, he used 300 point pills that makes people invisible the other day too. A two of them at that.

"That's not important right now. The door to this key is definitely somewhere around this park and if we fulfill the three conditions the door will open"

"Then I can return home?"

"That's right"

Ariana felt happy but her excitement died down as she remembered the missing child.
"Then what do we need the girl for?"

"Because only she knows the location of the door"

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