Hidden route; 7. A thief

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"Haaaa.. what a tiring day. I'm ready to sleep for forever... Who am I kidding? If death was an option I could've killed myself long time ago.."

Asuka mumbled to herself, obviously tired from their little trip. She was back in her room where she stayed for the last few days and from Kazuma's expression he won't be letting her out anytime soon. She felt like a dog wishing to go for a walk instead of his actual girlfriend.

'Girlfriend my ass.. more like a pet'

Everything was quiet and peaceful. She was also ready to sleep.

Until the quietness was interrupted by a small knock coming from her window.

At first she didn't respond thinking it was some bird or an animal. Also considering she's in a room that located at third floor and has no balcony, some stupid bird bumping on her window was the only possibility she could think of.

However that bird oddly continued to knock leaving her no choice but to open her eyes and check her surrounding.

Then she saw a dark large figure in front of the window, making her sigh in annoyance.

'This window wasn't breaking even when I throw a chair to it so I guess I'm safe. I can always scream if the intruder tries to harm me in any way'

With that thought she slowly but carefully reached the window after turning the lights on and mouthed 'who are you' to the figure. The room is soundproofed so that was the only way she could communicate with the stranger.

Seeing her the man revealed his mask and faced her directly.


The usually stiff boy was somehow on the other side of the window, staring at her with a soft gaze. Seeing her old (normal) friend Asuka slightly felt happy but couldn't help but be wary of him.

Because of her thoughtless action this boy is now also another selfish crazy lovesick bastard aka yandere. Therefore she only opened the top part of the window which is too small for even a small child to fit in, just to hear what he came for.

"I've come to save you, Asuka-san. Please come with me. I know a safe place"

[Mission: Escape with him]
[Prize: 70 points Penalty: none]

'Ha, what an obvious trap. Who do they think I am?'

Asuka has understood the system's intention long time ago.

It's to make her lose.

The missions are only a guide to continue and direct her towards the ending. Sometimes a choice would appear but even those choices are very limited as she has been purposely acting out of line. So from then on Asuka reached one conclusion, if there's no penalty then refuse all of the missions.

"What makes you think I'm being held captive here? Katsuragi Kazuma is now officially my boyfriend. Since we're good friends, I hope you'd at least congratulate me. Also instead of acting like a thief please come visit me through the door next time. Then have a nice day"

'Although I doubt Kazuma would let you in..Well it doesn't matter'

For the first time in her life, Asuka has friend-zoned someone and it felt pretty good especially when the other party is one of those crazy psychos.

In any case with a victorious smile she tried to close the window back only to be stopped by Usato. His expression was unreadable as usual so it was hard for her to guess what he's thinking.

'Goddammit why's he so strong?'

Even though she pushed all her might, the blue haired male was nonchalantly keeping the window open in one place single-handedly.

'How the hell did he get there anyway? Is he flying or something?'

Asuka was curious about how he was in front of her window but didn't have time to do so as the male strongly pushing back the window as if he's trying to enter through that little space.

"As expected he brainwashed you.. Asuka-san please wake up. He's simply using you. And Yoshimoto too, she put a bounty on your head on the internet and said whoever brought you to her alive will be rewarded handsomely. They're all crazy. We're the only one who's sane here so let's run away"

'Wow, that's probably the longest sentence he has ever spoken..'

"I'm sorry Usato but as you can see I'm perfectly fine. You better go before I call someone..."

Before she could even finish her sentence the window was roughly pushed open by Usato and he threw something through the window.

'Smoke bomb? Why does a high schooler have something like this!!'

As soon as the green smoke started to cover up the room, Asuka held her breath and rushed towards her phone to call help but it wasn't there because certain someone had secretly took it away when he entered her room earlier. She rang the bells that's supposed to call the maids and yelled through the door.

But strangely none of them came.

Considering it's middle of the night and even Kazuma who likes to watch her actions 24/7 is supposed to be sleeping in his room, none of them heard her desperate pleas.

As for the butlers and maids Usato has taken care of them even before he come here as if he has predicted something like this would happen.

'He really planned everything well..'

Asuka couldn't hold her breath anymore and inhaled the smoke deeply. Her vision was instantly blurred as she slowly fell to the floor with tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

The last thing she saw was a Usato's large figure walking towards her and then kneeled in front of her like a knight before slowly lifting her from the ground. Because her body was paralyzed from the smoke, she could only helplessly watch him stare at her with a gaze full of affection.

"Let's go home, honey"

He said in calm yet awkward tone as he smiled at her genuinely.

If Asuka wasn't trying to fight back against her heavy eyelids, she would've been mesmerized by such a beautiful sight.

But worry not, she'll be seeing this sight more often from now on.

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