Second route; 2. Hot temperature

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"Onee-san you look sooo cute today~ I feel like if you escort me around the school, I'll be able to get the first place!"

Because of his endless praise everyone was staring at us. Some boys were whispering about my appearance while girls were busy giggling amongst themselves, glaring at him from time to time.

I don't understand how people thinks. I mean, in my opinion every person in this school has a  beautiful appearance but sometimes has a rotten personality.

Not that I had a time to worry about these useless things, I was too busy being careful with this kid, trying my best not to get on his good or bad side at the same time.

"Hahaha... I'm sure you can get the first place.." after all there was a 'genius' type on your information. It's obvious that you'll get into here. Or else you'll lose your job as a capture target.

"How was the exam when you first entered? Nee-san also get the first place right?"

"Yeah. I think it was pretty easy" not like I remember about that.

"Woah, nee-san is awesome. Someday I want to be like you"

"You're awesome too. I mean look how confident you're, laughing and talking. But every other students are practicing for the exam"

He then finally noticed the heavy atmosphere around him. Every single students were reading books, trying to memorize at least a bit of information before the exam.

R.A.K is a cliche but honorable school that has a very high standing in Japan. I remember hearing this information from TV in first route. You can enter this school by either getting into the top fifty or pay the full price. The price is ridiculously high, it's for those rich kids such as Riku, though I'm sure he scored to the top fifty easily and got scholarship.

I looked around searching for the same red haired devil but fortunately he wasn't visible.

"I'm very confident. If I can't enter the same school as nee-san, I won't be worthy of staying next to you"

"Fine fine.. now go and give your exams you brat. I'll be waiting outside" I quickly replied trying to end his cliche praises. He is too energetic and is pissing me off.

"But I want to spend time with..."

"GO. RIGHT. NOW!!" I glared at him which he immediately shut up and gulped.

"Okay, I'm going right away!" He whimpered and ran towards the other children. I know he's only 15 years old but he acts like 5 which kinda reminds me of the reason I died.

Looks like my hatred towards children will remain same everywhere I go.

Of course I was once a kid. But there's many reasons I hate kids; there was a time when one of my little cousin broke my brand new phone so I had to live 2 years without it due to lack of money, and because of an unknown child who spilled his drink on my new office clothes I was late for my job interview which I was looking forward for three months and because of some brat I died.

Conclusion: I hate dumb, clumsy, noisy and spoiled children. Just because they're children they get away with it. Their parents didn't even consider apologizing to me simply because 'I wasn't careful enough'.

There's still many bad memories that include children but I'll skip it for now. Just thinking about it makes my day terrible.

This boy really behaves like a child, trying to look cute /which he is actually succeeding/ feels suspicious. Not to mention there was a 'sadist' word on his information window.

I'm not stupid enough to let my guard down around a 'sadist' person. He appears to be innocent and naive but I believe the reality is different.

I don't really like people who try to look pure, they're either extremely stupid or extremely sly. This kid is definitely the second kind.

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