Second route; 5. The god is watching

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I learned the basics about yandere from Sakura that night.

Now I've a headache. According to what she said their way of thinking is very different from the rest of the normal humans. As one of those normal humans I'm not really sure how to deal with them.

In my opinion everything happens because yandere's are selfish. Their desire to keep their loved ones only to themselves is the reason why they're a psycho. But thankfully I've finally found a clue to stop Sora.

After sleeping at Sakura's house I decided to go to my dormitory. I was scared of walking into gangsters like last time so I was very attentive towards my surroundings. Thanks to that I was able to see the same blonde haired kid standing in front of the female's dormitory with his arms crossed. From his eyes alone I can feel how angry he was.

"What're you doing here?" I asked first. Based on what Sakura said distancing yourself from a yandere too suddenly will have a bad consequences. The urge to lock me up might even increase.

"You...." his voice sounded bitter and cold. In a blink of an eye he grabbed my wrist and slammed me to the wall.

For a kid who is 15 years old and has a small figure he was pretty strong. My struggle against his grip wasn't even able to budge him. Furthermore all of my strength was gone due to countless plans I made yesterday.

"Where did you go last night?" He finished his sentence. His blue orbs were staring right into my soul as he tightened his grip on my wrist.

"What does that have to do with you?" It was same as adding oil on a fire but it was necessary step towards my plan.

"I got first place yesterday"  

He changed the subject with a happy news but he neither looked nor sounded happy. The same gloomy cold expression remained on his face.

Looks like I've won the bet I made with Sakura.

[You've collected a right to make one wish to the side character Yoshimoto Sakura]
A message appeared. So even making a bet is considered as a part of the game?

Anyway I still have to talk smoothly to this brat or he's going to break my wrist.


[Ikeda Sora: 3]

"I wanted to tell you first but you weren't here. Unfortunately it seems like you were spending time with that stupid little bug. In the end you chose her over me"

"Stop reaching conclusions with that rotten brain of yours, idiot. Are you not even going to apologize for what you did yesterday?"

He seems a bit taken a back because of my glare. I don't know what kind of personality did  the real Asuka had but it's me now. I can't just let myself bullied by a high school boy. Even I've a pride.

"B-but I don't want to apologize"

"*Sigh.... you're hopeless. Do you think society will accept you just because you're stubborn? There'll be a time even if you're right, you have to be the one to apologize. It doesn't have to be from the bottom of your heart. You just have to wear a sad expression and apologize even if it's fake"

He stared at me with wide eyes as his grip on me finally weakened. Yep, it'll definitely leave a bruise. However the brat was finally starting to pay attention to  my million dollars worth life lesson.

It'll hold that much value at least in my heart.

"T-that is a bit..."

"You were pretty good at acting around me yesterday right? Now put that act on and apologize"

The poor kid was confused and was actually trying to do what I said.

"I-I'm sorry. I won't do that again... ouch!" I flicked his forehead. Sora groaned a little and rubbed his now red forehead to ease the pain.

Now it's finally 1:1, though my wrist was worse than his forehead.

"Stop making useless promises you can't follow. You'll definitely call her a bug again. Even if you don't say it aloud her image in your head will still remain as a mere bug"


"It's good if you can understand my words. Now let's go inside and celebrate. You said you got the first place right?"

"R-really? You'll forgive me?"  

Honestly no. I don't like you. But this is a do or die situation.

"Yes. So stop whining like a child and follow me"

Yes! I did it. I managed to change his attention towards me instead of Sakura. If he hates Sakura too much he might ended up harm her or even murder her. My first goal was to act like an older sister that doesn't seem to need protection.

If I become the one who protects him he won't get jealous easily. Just how kids can't talk back to their mother, I'll raise him into an obedient son.

[Ikeda Sora: 1]

Somewhere in a dark room filled with screens of computers and TV.

The room was big but it feels shabby because of the countless screens that's playing something like a video.

There was a man watching one screen in front of him very attentively in that room. He was sitting behind a fancy coffee table that's made of gold. On the screen there was a pair of teenagers, one is a boy with blonde hair and other one is a girl that's slightly taller than the other one and has a pitch black hair.

Both of them looked like they were arguing at first then the female smiled and chuckled. In a minute they entered the building with a smile as the invisible camera that was recording their every moments followed them into the building.

The man who looked in his twenties smashed his desk angrily after watching the scene.

"Damn! She figured it out. If this continues she won't change her attitude and I'll be scolded for using forbidden magic! No... I'll be killed if they ever found out!"

His long silky white hair turned into red, showing he's extremely angry as he continued; "All because of this one selfish mere human I'm struggling this much! But since the first route has already started I can't just interfere as I want... Fine.. I'll make things even harder in the third route you stupid human girl..."

He smiled wickedly like a ghost and his red hair was slowly changing it's color back.

A shiny lights appeared around his fingers and it all flew towards the screen of the girl as the man ordered those lights like a king;

"Try your best to cover the hidden character. She must never meet or even look at him from afar"

The white light flew away like it has a life on it's own and disappeared into the screen one by one.

"If I can't make you realize your sins then I won't be the heir of the God of judgement! Just wait and see you lucky human.." he continued to talk to the girl on the screen who wasn't even aware of his existence.

This man is Ariana's sworn enemy, the one who is responsible for her death.

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