Final route; 3. Meeting Sora again

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A/n; Soooo... I was busy taking online classes because our school will rest starting from next week. I needed to show up at least a week for the sake of my grades.

As I said before I didn't take a single online class (except for last week) but surprisingly I got A and B's on all of my subjects lol. Idk how but it's pretty cool. Imagine how the others who attended every single class feel seeing my score. I'm feeling really bad for them but this is just how life is. (Wow, I'm a trash)

Also I read all of my dear readers' comments today which literally made my heart melt. I didn't know reading comments would be that fun and heart warming. Since I'm feeling good, here's the double update!!


With the help of the system, Asuka was able to find Ikeda Sora, the second capture target's phone number and invited him out for a coffee.

She wasn't afraid of him as much as she was afraid of Riku or any other capture targets. Still, the image of him torturing people to death still haunts her till this day.

However Asuka was still determined to meet him, believing that everything would be fine since Sora is the only capture target she was able to reach a good ending with.

"Are you scared? If you don't want then you don't have to force yourself. I can always find a way"

L reassured her with a soft smile. The girl on the other seat of the car shook her head while facing him with determined gaze.

"No need. Since it's your route, as long as I don't accept it, the system won't accept him to develop a feeling"

Last time when she met Riku, it was fine so there really has to be no problem. But strangely, L seems to the disagreeing with her.

"You see.. This route is a little different from the others.." his voice trailed off.

Feeling impatient, Asuka spoke up. "What do you mean?"

"Well.. uhmm... In this route it's actually possible to capture more than one character.."

L was blushing madly whilst saying that.

Actually he knows about all the contents of the game. Just remembering the cringe dialogues and picture of Asuka sitting in the middle of several guys made his cheeks feel hot. He couldn't imagine himself sharing her with those guys so he didn't want to tell this to her but..

"More than one character? Like a harem?"

"It's called reverse harem"

He had no other choice but to explain it to her.

'If only I spent some time learning computers..'

Then he could've just done everything by himself without that blonde boy's help. Too bad he was busy learning about the game, system and magic instead.

"That's stupid!! What kind of idiots made this game?! Isn't it all about hot guys obsessing over the heroine? They're all psychopaths who would lock me up just for breathing the same air with others yet it's possible to have a harem?!!"

It was reasonable of her to burst into anger.

'She must've thought she'd be safe since the target is me but.. it can't be helped'

L sighed as he tried to calm down the girl fuming in anger. She seemed to be already plotting ways to murder the game maker.

"Actually, it's possible to start my route from any other capture target's route. It's because I personally know every single one of them and it's possible to create a harem, but only if the player decides. So please don't worry too much.."

L's explanation was cut off by Asuka's sudden question.

"You know the capture targets personally? Even Sora?"

"Yes. It just somehow ended up like that"

The beautiful girl seems to be plotting something as she fell into silence for few seconds. Suddenly she grabbed L's hand tightly, making him blush at the close contact.

"L, I have a very nice idea"


"Asuka nee-san!! Long time no see! You've no idea how happy I was when you called me today"

The familiar blonde haired boy joyfully exclaimed as he held Asuka in his tight embrace.

Asuka was kinda overwhelmed by the bright aura that she forgot her fear for few seconds until someone cleared his throat behind them to catch their attention.

"L? Why're you here?"

Sora's smile instantly dropped when he noticed another man.

'I thought it'd be only me and sister but what is this shady guy doing here?'

He took deep breath to collect himself. It's not good to show his true face in front of his sister. However his mind was in crisis as the countless questions swarmed his head.

Why is he here together with Asuka?

Did they drive here together?

Are they dating?

Or perhaps—

"Sora, we've a favor to ask you"

His thoughts were interrupted by Asuka's gentle tone.

Without questioning her Sora nodded, motioning her to continue.

"You know L right? I heard you two used to be friends back in America. Anyway, we want you to help us in a very small thing to rescue his girlfriend that was kidnapped few days ago. We'll pay you accordingly so will you accept it?"

She explained the situation, more like rapped it before Sora could misunderstand or get mad at them. Fortunately it seems like the boy has understood her mumbled words as his gaze softened.

"Girlfriend? Ah, so you two are helping him save his girlfriend"

"Yes" they both said in unison.

Sora's cheerful aura returned as he smiled brightly.

"That's a relief then. And of course as onee-san's cute little brother, I'll gladly help you. Also onee-san, this guy isn't my friend. He's just an acquaintance, or more like a client or work partner so don't trust him, okay?"

Asuka almost said yes unconsciously at his innocent expression.

'Isn't it too cruel to say that in front of the person himself?'

Unbeknownst to Asuka, L just wanted to snap the stupid boy's neck. But getting angry would just reveal the fact that he lied about the girlfriend.

It was a great idea to lie about the girlfriend stuff as it decreases the chance of Sora trying to harm him and getting jealous of Asuka over nothing. But L still felt angry for some unknown reasons.

"How about we sit over there, nee-san?"

Seeing Sora acting like as if he had already won the battle frustrated L to no end.

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