Third route; 12. Opening the hidden route

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"So you're going to escape again?"

Katsuragi was staring right into my eyes as he asked.


"Don't you feel bad for escaping all the time like some mouse? Is it fun to live your life as a coward who escapes every time you see danger?"

Is that supposed to be a provocation?

If it's a provocation then he succeeded. Right now I'm very angry. Is it because he called me a mouse? No. It's because of the last sentence.

If I was a coward I wouldn't have died that day while protecting some unknown kid. I dreamed of a quiet life all my life but nothing goes the way I want. I had no choice but to 'act' brave in order to fill my empty stomach.

"So what? What's wrong with running away from danger?"

I answered his question with a question. Just because that person escapes don't mean they're coward. It's called 'tactical retreat'.

"Don't you have any pride? I saw you running away from Riku and that annoying girl earlier. How long are you planning to run?"

So he saw me with those two. But I don't understand him. Is he pitying me? A person who tried to blackmail me of all people? That's worse than an insult.

"As far as I can, to a place none of you psychos can reach me. Can you let go of my hand now?"

As far as I can. Such as my original world or another country.

"Pfff-hahaha... you're so fun. I feel like I really am becoming a psycho now you mentioned it"

His serious expression suddenly changed into a bright one. A similar situation with Riku happened again. It seems like regardless of whatever I say, I end up becoming a laughingstock.

[Side character Katsuragi Kazuma is showing an interest towards you]

[You've a chance to start the hidden route]

An annoying message appeared in front of me again. For a moment I hoped I discovered the hidden character but it feels different.

Because I was busy processing this new words I failed to notice Katsuragi slowly leaning towards me.

"Go back to the orphanage. You can watch something entertaining from there"

He whispered before let go of my wrist. Without losing any single second I ran to the opposite direction with all my might.

[System! What's the hidden route?]

[Hidden route; Player can continue the route you lost with the new character that developed an interest towards you. The main capture target will lose it's position to the new character.
Side effects: - The main capture target may develop an unhealthy interest towards you.
-The new capture target's starting points will be 6]

Fortunately it was a free question. However running while reading this and looking at the map in my hand at the same time was difficult.

I was hopeful when I saw the notification first but now that I read the explanation it feels hopeless. If I choose the hidden route then both Saito and Katsuragi might become a yandere.

Imagine a battle between Saito, Katsuragi and Sakura?

This world will end.

[Yoshimoto Sakura: 9]

The message shined dangerously. Seeing how serious Katsuragi was earlier I had no choice but to head towards the orphanage first.

There's not a single soul around here so it was really creepy. Nevertheless I have to get there before this stupid point reached ten. I've to buy enough time for Riku to find the second person with Asuka's information.

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