Final route 4; Becoming a child trafficker

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The talk with Sora went smoothly. They explained almost everything to him, leaving the part about the dark angel and all the other magical stuff. At the end of the meeting, they decided on the price of Sora's work and day to carry out their plan.

[Ikeda Sora: 1]

Though the number scared her a quite bit, it didn't rise anymore than that.

Three days later, Asuka and L went together to the said place, dressed in full black bodysuit like a bunch of thieves.

When they got to the mansion, Asuka felt a sense of deja vu. The woods, shape of the building and the secret road they're used to reach the building was really familiar. Not to mention it's located on an isolated island too.

It was definitely the place where Asuka was locked in before, the mansion of third capture target, Usato Saito.

Though that's all. She can't clearly remember the way she escaped at that time or even the shape of the building since she entered there unconscious and escaped at night in hurry.

"We'll be entering through that window. Ikeda-kun, are you ready?"

[You guys have thirty minutes. After that the guards will notice it so please hurry]

Sora replied through the earphone confidently at L's question.

On the other side, Asuka was standing there in daze while staring at the window L pointed at, which was on the second floor.

"Follow me"

L quickly started climbing the three next to it skillfully and reached the top within few minutes before jumping to the balcony.

'Why am I even here...'

She wanted to give but for the sake of leaving this crazy world, she followed after him.

Surprisingly she easily reached the top within few minutes just like L. It'd have been impossible to even do push ups in her old body but now Asuka was confident that she can do a back flip in her body that has the protagonist halo. 

The window was slightly open, probably because no one thought someone would enter through there. After successfully entering the mansion, they both walked through the empty hallways, without even caring about the security camera as those were all have been taken care of by Sora.

[Now go to the left and open the door. The code is 97531]

Sora was also giving instructions on their direction making Asuka feel mesmerized by the young boy's skills. The cheat of the capture target was really something else.

When they opened the door, it lead them straight to the basement. As they walked downstairs, a scream of several people can be heard.

'I feel like a horror movie protagonist'

"L, what's going on?"

He didn't answer and only whispered her to stay quiet.

In the lowest floor, they saw several people lining up for something. They all seem to be maids and butlers of the mansion yet none of them looked alive despite having their eyes open.

"What're they doing?"

She asked once again. This time L answered her.

"They're all waiting to be eaten"

"What?! Eaten?"

"Shhh, lower your voice!! The dark angel's power reset every time new route begins. Last time he was strong because the last two routes didn't reset but this time he's back to being weak again. So to recharge his power, he needs to eat lots of soul but since this world is currently a fake, he's replacing that with flesh meat"

She almost vomited at the word 'flesh meat'. Even if the world is fake, eating humans is way too much. Who the hell even decided to name that guy 'dark angel'? What's so angelic about that bastard to eat people alive? It would've been relatable if he was called devil or cannibal instead.

[Did you reach the basement? According to your information, your girlfriend must be locked up in the room beside you. You guys have only 15 minutes left by the way]

"Understood. Let's go, Aria-.. I mean Asuka"

They sneaked behind the group of people and quietly entered through the door. It was a completely dark room filled with disgusting smell of blood. It was fortunate that they wore a mask since the smell was strong enough to be smelled through it.

Using a flashlight, they looked through the room. Unexpectedly the room looked like a child's, specifically a little girl's room that's filled with stuffed toys and pink walls. In the middle of it, there was a huge king sized bed with a small girl laying on it whilst sleeping gracefully.


Seeing a little kid, Asuka burst into laughter.

"Fufu, your girlfriend is sleeping.."

 The fear she felt just moment ago disappeared in an instant when she imagined L introducing the little girl as his girlfriend to Sora. Who would've thought that a small girl like her would play such vicious game. She seemed to be twelve years old at most.

It was hard to see in the dark but she was sure L would be blushing madly.

In truth, it was the opposite. He felt relieved hearing Asuka laugh genuinely for the first time. Although she was making fun of him, he didn't mind it as long as she was happy.

While they were spending their sweet time, certain girl was waking up after noticing two strangers with weird outfit in her room.

"UAARGHHH!! Help me! There's someone- mmphhh mmphh"

L covered her mouth just in time with a handkerchief. The girl fell into deep sleep instantly, making Asuka wonder how L was so well prepared for the kidnapping process. He wrapped the girl who was in her pajamas in his coat and turned to Asuka in determination.

"Let's get out of here"

"Okay. How many minutes do we have?"

"9 minutes"

Nodding in response, they sneaked out and went upstairs, ignoring the line of people who was destined to die a horrible death. Asuka felt extremely guilty but then again, they were all just people of a fake world. They're eventually going to disappear the moment she leave this world with the little girl in L's hand.

Then a sudden realization struck her.

What would happen to L if the world where to be destroyed?

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