Second route; 7. Self defense

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Warning; -violence and bully scenes. \Not edited. There may be small grammar mistakes. Read at your own risk\

[Mission: Follow the side villainess to the staff room. Prize: 100 Penalty: -40]

Haha, of course story without villain isn't fun.

I stared at the message floating in front of me tiredly. I can see a certain beautiful pink haired girl behind the system window still waiting for me to follow her. Her body was that of a model and she looked like a doll. However she looked so damn angry and arrogant  Also her side kicks were staring at me with their arms crossed, giving me a threatening look.

First they basically told me to fuck off after the arrival of Sora. Now when I'm about to finally enjoy my peaceful few minutes without dealing with some noisy brat, they're calling me out. I don't have any choice since I can't afford to lose more points here.

It'd be nice if Sora was here but he just left to get his text books. Then again, these girls won't dare to call me out if Sora was here. No matter how stupid they're, they can't create a bad image next to school's prince.

Seems like I'm getting used to this ridiculous nicknames.

"Fine. Let's go" I accepted their gentle invitation and followed them. 

Just like last time I was cornered all alone with this typical bully girls. The only difference between last time and now was the place and people.

In the hallway to the staff room, where no one can see us I was being dragged by those three girls like a criminal and cops. The atmosphere was heavy and my mind was screaming to escape from their grasps ASAP.

No matter what they do, I mustn't get bullied by them. It's certain that Sora will see me getting bullied like last route with Riku. It might develop a desire to protect me which is extremely dangerous.

I'm not going to make the same mistake twice. I just have to say something pleasant and apologize for being arrogant then leave quickly before he sees us.


It seemed like the girls reached their destination. When they get there, there was another four girls waiting for Asuka in the dark room with a huge smirk on their faces, as if they were looking at a prey that's about to be devoured by them. 

"What's the meaning of this?" she asked coldly but the pretty pink haired girl who calls herself a school beauty laughed out coldly.

"Be grateful you street rat. We're going to give you a special lesson about how to know your place. Girls, strip her"

Immediately her two side kicks grabbed Asuka's hand and pushed her down on her knees. One of the other four cut down her shirt's buttons with a scissor. Asuka resisted furiously but was completely weak against three forces that's holding her down.

She knew Sora will definitely see her being bullied, according to the cliche plots of this game and save her. However deep down she felt humiliated even though this body isn't hers to begin with.

The other two girl were preparing a camera to record her chest that's only left with bra. While the other two were grabbing her arm, the pink haired girl, Ayano grabbed her hair and directed her face towards the camera.

"Now, now.. we all have to see your ugly face and that dirty body clearly right? This way we can stop you from using this disgusting body as a trap to flirt with guys, specially our school prince" She whispered in her ears before slapping her harshly. The poor girl's ears were ringing due to that slap. Ayano's long nail cut her soft cheek like a knife, causing it to bleed and the pale beautiful skin became reddish in few seconds.

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