3. On The Road

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20 June 2014


"Cameron Dallas can you drive faster? I really need to pee." I whine beside him.

"We're there in 30 mins, can you hold it? Look it's clear, there is no traffic so it'll be fast." He replies and turns the music up a little.

"You stop to let Nash go in the backseat because he was falling asleep, but you don't want to stop for me, to pee?" He looks at me and nods, he then returns to the deserted road, while I sigh.

"What's that song? It's so good!" I ask as I turn the volume up again, Nash groans since the speakers are in the back. I laugh, at him with Cam. Hayes looks so peaceful when he sleeps, and he didn't even groan.

"That's Flights, it's the Jacks singing. I can't believe you never met them."

"Well, they already went home but I think I was at Beth's, so yeah, although I already saw them, we never talked. It's not like Matt or you, that I've known my whole life. Or even Shawn. But, I'm planning on knowing the boys." I took my phone and went on twitter and tweeted something.

@saragrier: On the road to LAX. I need to pee but @camerondallas doesn't want to stop!

Just when I posted it, Cam's phone buzzed. "You mentioned me didn't you?"

I nod, "because I didn't want to stop?" I nod again, and he laughs.

"Well guess what gorgeous, we're here. So, you can go pee and then you can register us at the same time for our first flight. It's Orlando the first destination." I took the papers and immediately went to pee, afterward I went and register the four of us. I walk over to Terminal 2 close to a jean shop like Cam told me and found this huge crowd of girls, and I saw a flash coming from every corner.

"Excuse me, excuse me. Hi, how are you, awh you're so sweet." I tried to pass but some girls recognize me and started talking to me which I didn't mind.

"SARA over here!" I heard Hayes voice.


Johnson and I were waiting for the boys at Terminal 2 when we heard screams, we followed the sound and found everyone else with a bunch of girls. When they saw us they ran to us too. I love meeting fans at the airport but sometimes their screams don't leave my head until the next morning.

"SARA over here," Hayes said and motion to a brunette, his cousin.

"Shit is it always like that when you travel guys." She laughs, I think she was speaking to both of us.

"Yeah, pretty much every time were in LAX. I'm one of the Jacks by the way."

"I know who you are Gilinsky." She smirks and signed one or two autographs. "I'm Sara."

After a couple of minutes, the girls were gone leaving us all alone and calm, ready to board the plane. I got my seat next to Sara, great I'll get to know her.

I watch her walk in front of me, and she is absolutely beautiful, she has green eyes, with a perfect tan skin, she doesn't look like Nash or Hayes.

"So first time on tour?" I ask and she smiles.

"Is that obvious?" I laugh, as she takes her seat next to the window.

"Well, not really but if it was your first time experiencing the LAX fans well, it shows." I wink at her while she smirks. "Anyways, I'm kind of glad there's another girl with us on tour."

"I'm glad I'm coming with you guys. I've been willing to meet you all. I heard great things about you Mr.Gilinsky." Sara winks at me, hmm cocky.

"Oh yeah, what did you hear beautiful?"

"That you're an extremely hot singer." She laughs, "I love talking to you Jack but I'm really tired so I'll just take a nap." I nod and added something.

"My shoulder is right there." I saw a change of color in her cheeks which was cute, she took off her boots and brought her legs to her chest. She wrapped herself in a blanket and started to drift away with her headphones in her ears. And I did the same as her, I drift off to sleep.

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