30. New York Show

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1 July 2014


This morning was perfect. I woke up and she was right next to me with her head on my chest. I don't know if we're official but I hope we are. And, I also hope that my fans and her fans won't get mad or even sad. I hate hurting my fans but emotions can't be control. They're either there or not there.

"You ready babe?"

I snap my head towards Sara, who was looking fine! I went to change earlier in the morning so, I was ready to go. I nod, while she grabs her phone and walks out the door, which locked automatically. I slap her ass, and she slaps my hand back. "What a romantic boyfriend." I laugh, and couldn't be happier, she confirmed it. We're a couple. I can call her, mine and she calls me hers.

"I'm just kidding, I like that." She winks and kisses me. It's our third kiss, and it still feels like our very first. Wait-am I turning into a chick?

"I see I have a naughty little girlfriend," I smirk and she chuckles.

"You can say that if you prefer." She smirks at me, how dare she? "Wait till you see what I can do to you pretty boy."

"What the hell? Do you want me to have a boner during rehearsals?" She gasps and pecks my lips. "You little tease, that I like so much."

I'll be home in a minute, girl quit trippin'. Gonna lay your body down, pay you a visit. Yeah, I know you been waitin', And I know what you want. So I'mma give it to ya, just how you need, Woahhh.

I sang 'Right Where You Are' with Jack and I stared at my girlfriend the whole time. She would smile at me and then shake her head blushing.
I can't wait to be seen with her in public, I hope they'll like her.

"So? You together now?" Lox asks me wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh yeah. Couldn't be happier." I look over at Sara and smile. She was with Matt, they were playing piano together. A little bit too close, I decided to say a joke.

"Hey! Yo, Matt get away from my girl." I laugh, and people join in.

"Oh, so it's official." Sammy came by my side and pat my shoulder.

Sara laughs, and walk towards us. "Roomie, what's up." She hugs Sammy and kisses his cheek. Honestly, it doesn't bother me now that I know she's mine. And we're all best friends so, he wouldn't do that to me.

"Not much. I miss waking up with you in the room though. Matt always snores." Euh, ok.

"Yeah, me too. I miss seeing those toned abs every morning." They got to be kidding me.

"Euh, I have abs too."

"I know Jack, we were just fucking with you because you were obviously jealous. Don't worry baby, I'm all yours." She was in my arms now, her arms tangled around my waist and she whispers in my ear, "And, you'll see me naked in the morning. Not him."

Holy shit, that was hot.

"I'M HUNGRY AS HELL!" Taylor yelled, which caused us to laugh. God, that boy will never stop shouting.

"PIZZA!" Mahogany yells, and now it hit me. This is why they're perfect together. I kiss Sara's temple and make my way over to Johnson.


"Yeah, I'm good here. Beth? Yeah, she's up in her room. I invited one friend over but he'll be gone when you'll be back." I told Sara on the phone, they're having their last practice before the show. She also told me she was dating Gilinsky.

"We'll be back tomorrow afternoon, might have a mega jetlag but it's all good." I laugh through the phone, while Beth comes down talking on the phone. "Guess who Bethany's talking to? Yeah, Cameron!"

"Shut up, Nathaniel." Beth shoves my shoulder and laughs.

"Have fun tonight, Dollface. Wait, I still can call you Dollface right? I don't wanna get G mad." I joke, she laughs and then I hear his voice.

"It's all good, bro. I know she's a Dollface." Yeah, she is.

"Alright, I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I seriously can't wait they get back. Sammy and I need to hit the studio, pronto!

"Beth, I'm calling a pizza."

"Holy shit, great fucking idea. I am starving." She smiles and grabs the TV remote. When the gang left, I thought it was going to be awkward since we didn't really know each other but turns out she's pretty chill. We smoked a couple of times together. It was dope!


"You ready baby?" Jack asks as he arranges his microphone pack. I peck his lips, and say, "I'm always ready."

Jack slapped my ass before we run up the stage altogether and the fans started yelling, I smile at all their signs and cries.

"What's up New York? How y'all doing?" Johnson yells and waves his hand.

"Do we have some New Yorkers here?" Mahogany asks, and they started yelling louder and louder.

Sammy and Kenny start singing a song that I never heard before. Right, then Hayes and Taylor rapped a good ole' song, and now it was the Jacks turn. I was a little behind the curtain when someone grabbed my hand guessing it was Jack.

"Girl, just stay right where you are." I roll my eyes, as he walks in a circle around me. I don't know how fans will react to this. But, I hope it won't cause any drama because I am certainly not going to deal with it.

Johnson finishes his verse, and G says the last part of the chorus eyeing my body, making the girls scream louder. We could hear the boys laughing in the background, and then some fans yell, "For God, sakes kiss her. Kiss her."

My eyes widen when Jack approach his face to mine and kiss my lips. I kiss back and smile in the kiss.

"Yeah! Now you guys know that these two are officially together. And, we are so happy for them! Aren't you?" Johnson said and the gang joined them.




I laugh and start to dance with Mahogany behind her DJ wheels.

This was the best show ever! My phone was filled with twitter notifications and Instagrams mentions. It's a bummer Bethany and Skate isn't here, they'd have a blast.

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