22. Meeting II

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26 June 2014


Omaha boys decided to wait for us at home, I told them they could play FIFA and trust me I never let someone play without me being there. But I do trust them, so it doesn't matter.

"Do you know what this makes me think of?" I ask my cousin who is driving her freshly washed Jeep.

"What?" She looks at me but then focuses back on the road.

"You know that one time my dad asked us to go get Hayes at someplace and we got lost?" I start laughing and she joins in adding. "Fucking hell I remember, but why did you think about that?"

"Sara, dear cousin, we are lost," I put my hand on her shoulder and pats it.

"We are not lost, I followed the directions Chad gave me. Look, look it's right here," she turns into a driveway and stops her engine, then stares at me with a lifted eyebrow.

"Fine, you're right. Let's just get this over with."

We step into the building and walked towards the counter.

"Hi, Grier for Smith." The lady stands up straight and shows us the last door in the hallway. "This way Ms&Mr.Grier."

Sara knock a few times before we hear a male voice say "come in."

"Sara and Nash the two people I was waiting for." He shakes both of our hands and we sit down, he stares at Sara with a warm smile. "I'm sorry, you look just like your mother it's crazy. Anyways, I'm guessing you both know why you are here?"

"No, we don't," Sara and I say in unison.

"Oh really. Chad knew about it, I guess he forgot." My dad knew? He said he didn't, why would he lie?

"Your parents had a closed file, and it's ready to be released now that you graduated. So, this is the file, but I need to give this to you before. It's written to open it when you're alone." Mr.Smith hands us a file, and we analyze it.

"This can't be true, I mean I would've known, that we had another house apart from the one we had in North Carolina." I was speechless, my cousin inherited a property, and who knows what else.

"Believe it or not, you now own a property of 1.2 million dollars." I think Sara started smiling, and then she teared up, and the meeting was now over.

Mr.Smith gave me the documents, with the house keys since Sara just left.

"Your father knew about it, and he didn't tell me."

"You should talk to him later, alright?" I'm not sure why I was invited to the meeting but I'm sure she's going to figure it out in that red envelope.

"No, it's okay. I mean on the bright side, I have a paid house. That I can live in at any moments."


We were playing ball when we saw Sara's jeep in the driveway, we immediately stopped and went to see them.

"Hey boys."

They were greeted with a bunch of questions, and she just smiles. "I may or may not be owning a house of 1.2 million dollars."

What the fuck? 1.2 million dollars? Nice!

"What do you mean?" Johnson asks, with the sun in his eyes.

"Look, boys, I just came back I need to read this so, I'll meet you back here in few. I'm going to get change," and we watch her walk away.

"Nash, what the fuck? She owns a house of 1.2 million dollars?"

"I know I know, she has to read something else to get more details, but it's all hers."

We were shocked by the news we just received but it must be more shocking for Sara. Speaking of which, she just came out of the house looking hot.

She's wearing a washed pinked bikini, with some shorts, and some sunglasses.

"Don't drool boys, or else I'm going to cover up," she says without even looking at us. The boys started laughing before we start to play ball again.

After 2 hours of being outside in the hot sun, we decided to hit the pool. Sara joins us for 10 minutes before heading inside, she didn't even say a word.

"Hey bro, what's wrong with Sara?" Sammy asks Nash, who is confused.

"I-I don't know man, it must be something in the letter."

"I'm going to go see her if you boys don't mind." Gilinsky gets out of the water and dries himself fast.

"I think he likes her," Sammy said and smirked.


After reading the letter, I wasn't really in the mood. It's unreal, it has to be a dream. How come I never knew my own mother was a model under the name of Charisma.

I put on the first sweatshirt that's in my sight before I go down in the basement, then sit on the couch thinking about my parents. I feel the couch pillow move before a body appears next to mine.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing bad. Just a little shock, I thought I knew my parents very well but turns out I don't," I look at G who is focus on my face. "Like you know, it would have been fun to know that my mother, Mary was a model. Under the name of Charisma, what kind of name is that? It sounds like a hooker's name."

I'm mad, I won't hide it. You know what no, I'm not even mad, I'm more pissed because I never knew and I'm not sure she was going to tell me since she wrote it in that stupid red letter.

"Sara, I'm sure your mother had a reason not to tell you. Maybe she was young and regretted it."

"Yeah, you must be right, but I really wanted to hear it instead of reading it." Somehow I found comfort when Gilinsky wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Thanks, for looking out for me," I thank him after releasing from the hug.

"Sara, sweetie can you stay in a minute. I'd like to speak with you." I take a seat on the kitchen stool where my uncle is.

"I'm not mad at you if that's what you want to know."

"I'm happy to hear this but it's not that. Euh- now that you're moving in with Nash in your new house, Nila and I, will sell this one and we're going to buy a new house but a smaller one since we're only going to be four most of the time."

I was surprisingly shocked by his words, but he is probably right. I mean this house is huge for only four people to live in.

"Alright. I'm happy for you Uncle Chad. Thank you for everything. I know I haven't really been the perfect-"

"If you're going to say, little niece, well yes you were, and still are the perfect little niece. Come here sweetheart, I love you." We hug for seconds before I get back with the boys. But when I stood up, I heard Chad mumble, "and you'll forever be my perfect little niece."

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