18. This Night

250 3 0

24 June 2014


At this point in the night, I wasn't shy anymore around Sara. I walk with her in the back, with my arm around her bare shoulders and her arm around my waist.

"Oh my God. Bethany!" She releases my waist and turns towards her best friend.

"No freaking way, get on it right now."

The girls were pointing over at a just dance station. They walk over to it and search for a song.

"Get ready boys to see us move, because after you'll be crazy in love." I smile at Sara's words.

Crazy In Love by Beyoncé started playing and the girls danced. I caught Cam checking Beth out, he has so much lust in his damn eyes.

The girls were out of breath when they shockingly made a new high-score. They named it 'Evans&Grier' its original.

"Holy moly we've been here for three straight hours. What about we grab some food people?" Johnson said, and I was glad he brought up food because I was starving.

We got stopped by some girls that asked to take pictures, everyone gladly accepted, even Bethany was asked for a couple of pictures.

"Can I ask you a question before I leave?" This girl with brown curly hair asked, and nod giving her my best smile. "Are you and Sara Grier dating? Because as you may know you guys were trending on Twitter."

I didn't know we were a trend, so I answered honestly. "No, we aren't dating at this moment. Sara and I are close friends that's it." We hugged one last time before I walk off with the gang.

"So have we decided where to go eat?" Nash asks as Sara and Johnson search something on his phone, and for Beth and Cameron well they were still flirting.

"Oh, that's the place. We're going to New Moon guys!" I stop my conversation with Nash when Johnson spoke. It was 5 minutes walk, it was not that far.

The restaurant was quite nice, the walls were covered with pale bricks, all the tables were in booths.

Johnson, Nash and I were on the side of the wall while B, Cam, and Sara are on the other side. I'm across Sara though.

I take my phone out and so did everyone, I saw Johnson on twitter checking his feed, while Nash was texting. I also check my twitter then Instagram.

"Hey, Jacks." I look at Sara who was holding up her phone, I made the pray sign with my hands while Jack gave a corner smile.

"Ah, nice. Do you think I can post the picture or people are going to talk?"

I laugh, "post it or I'll post it."

She rolls her eyes and sighs a fine. "There, no caption."


I was in the middle of a conversation with Johnson when my phone buzzes.

Sammy: Just saw your picture, I was there 3 hours ago 🙈

Reply: For real? I guess we were all craving Chinese 👲🏼 😂

Sammy: Yeah! I'm so excited about your graduation tomorrow!

Reply: Me too! I'm glad you can all make it!

Sammy: Oh and do you think I can bring one of my hometown friend? The boys know him?

Reply: Of course! Can't wait to meet him ☺️

Cameron and Beth left us, an hour ago. They said they had things to do, but we all know it's not true. Bethany probably went over at his house or vice versa.

"Ah finally home. Johnson wanna hit FIFA?" Nash asks and Johnson immediately nod.

I walk into my room, taking the book on my desk and place the pictures we took as a bookmark. I change into a basketball jersey when I heard a knock.

"Hey sweetie, how was your day?" My uncle walks in and sits on my bed.

"It was great, I had so much fun. Can I help you with something?"

He sighs, "Sara someone called for you today. Your parent's notary wants to organize a meeting with you and Nash."

"What? Why? And why with Nash?"

"I don't know, but the meeting is after tomorrow. It seems important, that's all I know."

"Thanks, Chad." He stands up and hugs me, leaving a kiss on my forehead.

I walk into Nash's room where I see two boys playing on the Xbox while Gilinsky was on the bed watching them play.

"Hey Nash, we have a meeting with my parent's notary after tomorrow," I state as I jump right next to Gilinsky feeling his body temperature.

"I know, my dad told me. I wonder what it is. Is that my jersey?"

I smile, "is it? Oups. Well, I'm going to sleep, big day tomorrow. I had fun with you guys today."

I hug Gilinsky first, Johnson next, and Nash last with a kiss on the cheek.

"Good night my favorite boys."

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