15. Night Dallas Texas.

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23 June 2014


The show was epic. I think people are starting to ship Gilinsky and Sara, or Sammy and Sara together. I'm not sure why, though. They haven't even seen them together. How can they know if something is going on.

"Espinosa, what are you thinking about?" A female voice brings me back to reality. I smile and apologize to this young girl. "Nothing, sweetie. Want a picture?" I ask, and she nods. "Here you go."

I watch the other booths and see Sara posing with Nash and Hayes, then she walks towards my booth.

"Hey, Matt."

"How are you, princess?"

"I'm good, I'm kind of bummed we're going back in LA tomorrow though."

"Yeah, I know me too but you'll have plenty of time to write your graduation speech."

"About that, you're all coming to my graduation right?" I nod yes, and did my signature face.

After all the girls got their pictures, we sat on the stage with them and started talking. There was a lot of beautiful girls, our age. I got a girl's number, but I don't think I'm going to call her, I'm okay being single.

The final question was for Sara, from a girl about 18 years old, with blue eyes and straight blond hair. When she asked the question, no one was expecting that.

"How does it feel to sleep with Sammy? Isn't it slutty enough for you to dress like that?"

I saw Nash and Hayes's jaw clenched, and then someone spoke, Sara.

"Oh, sleeping with Sammy is great. Especially, when my bed is 4 feet away from his. Look, if you don't like me, I'm sorry. But, my clothes and your clothes have some similarities. Don't you think, honey?" I smile, and some of the boys started to laugh.

"Well, we're going to leave earlier since some of you don't appreciate our company," Johnson said, and then everyone left, leaving a crowd of girls disappointed that we didn't stay longer.

I walk over to Sara and swing my arm around her shoulders, she smiles and wraps her arm around my waist. "You know, you're not a slut right?"

She shrugs, "I know, it's just so embarrassing, there were parents and younger girls."

I pull her closer to my body, and tell her, "yeah, well it's more embarrassing for her, princess." I always called her princess. I just kind of feel overprotective with her, even with Lox, I guess it's because they're the only girls and they could get a lot of hate because they're hanging with us boys. They should be treated like princesses.

"I'm starving." I smile and nod, the gang stop and talk for a second before their eyes landed on us.

"We can explore Dallas, then eat a bite?" Johnson suggested, and to be honest, it wasn't a bad idea considering it was still light outside, and I'm pretty sure everyone can use some fresh air.

Sara pulls out her phone and dialed a number, "hey put it on speaker, I wanna hear too."

S: Beth guess what just happened.

B: What what?

S: I just got called a slut for sleeping in the same room as Sammy, and for wearing shorts and a crop.

B: Oh my God! Are you serious right now? What a stupid ass-

Sara pressed on the speaker button before, everyone hears what Beth was about to say. "I know, and the worst part is that there were parents and younger girls, oh and she was wearing a crop shirt with identical shorts as mine. Yeah, the black ones. Alright! I miss you too, can't wait to see you again! Oh, say hi to Wesley for me! Love you." She hung up.

"Was that Bethany?" Cameron came by Sara's side and ask, maybe a little too sudden.

"Yeah, why?"

"I would've said hi!" She laughs and pats his shoulder. "Stop, teasing her."


Why does she keep saying that? I really need to talk to her. Since she was still in Matt's arms, I texted her.

I need to speak with you, get away from Matt and come see me instead hahaha

Alright alright, Alexander.

I smile at her words and then I found her next to me.

"What's wrong?"

"Why do you keep saying stop teasing Beth?" I ask as I take her arm and link it with my own.

"Cam, you know she has a crush on you. You never realized that every time you're at home, she's there too?"

I never really realized, but now that I think about it, she's right.

"Maybe, but I'm not teasing her. She's really nice and beautiful like you, and who knows I might be crushing on her too."

"Oh God, Cameron Alexander Dallas is crushing on my best friend Bethany Evans."

"Well, yeah but I mean I'm looking forward a few dates before we start anything. Plus, she's 18 and I'm 19. It's just perfect." Sara looks at me with a confused face.

"Cam, how do you know she's exactly 18?" Fuck! I can't tell her that I did my little research.

"Lucky guess," obviously she doesn't believe me but shrugs it off anyway.

"When are you planning on telling her?"

"Damn girl. You really want me to date Beth, but soon, when the right moment will be present."

She rolls her eyes and I smile, "cheesy boy."

We finally decided where to go eat, Beef Machine. Being in Dallas would involve a lot of meat.

"Oh my God! You're Cameron Dallas! I can't believe it! Holy shit everyone from Magcon is there!" The girl behind the counter yelled as I approach her to reserve a place.

"Hi! Can we get a private room, please? For twelve people?" She agrees and shows us the room. The first thing we did was to order.

Moments later, the room was filled with laughter. I swear if Gilinsky and Sara keep flirting like this, I will pray to God for them to finish together!

We finish our plates and paid for ourselves. The next hours were visiting Dallas.

We walked and walked until our feet got tired or should I say until the girl's feet got tired.

"Tell me something girls, how do you walk in those shoes?" Nash asks as he takes another grip of Lox's legs since she got on his back.

"We need to suffer to be pretty." Lox answered with total confidence, and Sara struggling on Matt's back just shrug and said, "what she said."

We laugh, oh how I missed nights like these.

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