39. Prom II

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6 July 2014


"Thanks, everyone for doing this. I know I don't deserve any of this but thank you." The plan was in motion and Cameron was on it too. He promised he'd reason with Bethany and he'd text me if anything is wrong. And, he hasn't so I guess Bethany is in too. It was seven forty, everything was ready. I look at my Instagram feed for a while and stop at Justin's last post. 

I did, and now I'm going to get her back. 

"It's time. At eight thirty. Let them fall." I enter the ballroom and sneakily make my way behind the DJ station. I spot Sara and Bethany talking at their table along with Justin and Cameron. People were staring at them, that's when I see a familiar girl. Madison Bowman. Madison. MB. "Holy shit, what a fucking coincidence." 

Madison Bowman stole Wes from Sara. 

Madison Beer ruined our relationship. 

I understand now. It's a pattern, and she's afraid I'm still going to hurt her. I need to do this soon. I talk with the DJ and he agrees to do it. It was eight twenty soon, and I lost sight of Sara. It was a slow song so I look at the dance floor and finally see Sara and Justin dancing. Eight twenty-five. Eight twenty-six. Eight twenty-seven. Eight twenty-eight. Eight twenty-nine. Eight-thirty. The music stops, and I plug my phone in and play our song. 


A slow song came on, and Justin obviously asks me to dance. I tried to wiggle my way out of it but he wouldn't let me. Wes was there with Madison, beurk. I shake my head and take Justin's hand. He led the way to the dance floor. He closes the space between us and turns to the music rhythm. 

"I can't wait for our getaway." He whispers in my ear. 

"Justin. I have something to tell you, I'm sorry in advance. But, I can't go with you. I just can't, I know it's mean, coming from me. You might think that I played you or something but that's not the case. I like you a lot, but only as friends. It would be wrong for me to go with you when my heart is still here."

Justin studies me and sighs. "It's okay. I understand I know what you feel. I'm kind of stuck to my ex too." 


"Sara, come on. I know you, and you're still in love with Jack. We are-" Justin was interrupted by flowers? Orchids to be exact, my favorite. They kept coming down, everyone seemed confused. But they didn't argue because it was beautiful. The white of the flowers could be mistaken for violet as it falls rapidly to the ground. The music stops, and suddenly starts again but it's a different song. It was our song. 

That's when I saw him, standing on the stage. He was beautiful in a black suit. His hair perfectly pushed back, I smile and shake my head. He did this for me. Everyone was looking at him then at me. I look at Justin. "Go. What are you waiting for, you two belong together." I kiss his cheek and make my way to the stage.


"Sara, you are gorgeous. I'm sorry for everything, I didn't mean for it to happen and I feel like shit because it was at your birthday. I will never forgive myself for what I did to you but I can live with it. The only thing I can't live without is you, I'm in love with you Sara Elena Grier." I didn't know what to say back to him. I search the crowd and see my friends, my family. Sammy, Skate, Bethany, Cameron, Nash, Hayes, and Johnson. They helped him. 





I was surprised by the crowd's responses. I exactly knew what to do. "I love you too, Jack. And, you can forgive yourself if I forgave you."

He leans down but I move back. "I didn't say we're back together." His eyebrows connect. 

"Are you serious?"

I laugh and grab his collar. "No dumbass, come here already." 

Our lips were always in perfect synchronization. The crowd roar to life as we pull away, we take it on the dance floor where I stood with Justin. Our friends surrounding us, having more fun than I've ever thought they would have. Now, I was happy. It felt right to be here with the right person.

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