33. Birthday Fun

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4 July 2014


"I'll make the toast," I say to the others. It's basically 7 AM and my dear cousin is officially 18 years old, wait this means Jack is younger than her! How cute...

"Bacon is grilling, eggs are scrambled what else do we need?" Sammy asks while I butter the bread. "We didn't sign the card!"

By 8, the breakfast table was set, her card was at her place along with her tea. We made sure she was at the end of the table, like a queen. Or like Matt would say, "princess."

Everyone else came by; Kenny, Taylor, Mahogany, Madison, and Noah. "I think she's coming down, get ready to film." I sat at my place and looked towards the kitchen door.

"There she is," Skate yelled. Then, we yelled, "Surprise Motherfucker!" She laughs and covers her laughing face, Jack stood up and walk over to her.

"Happy birthday baby girl," he kissed her while we were getting uncomfortable.

"Wait-they're dating?" Madison asks Hayes, my brother just nods at her.

"I'm guessing Nash made the toasts," my cousin smiles and shows the burned side of the toast. I never made perfect gold toast always burned.

"Today it's your day, so what do you want to do?" Sammy asked.

"We can just stay here, you guys don't have to spoil me." I chuckle, if the breakfast is her definition of being spoiled well I wonder how she's going to call tonight! "The gifts now!"

Bethany gave hers first, it was a ticket to go somewhere. Oh, two tickets, I think it's one of their inside dreams. Sammy and Skate were next, they offered her a studio session. Madison gave her a pair of heels, that Sara saw when they shopped together. The rest gave her lovely gifts except for Jack, he didn't give anything yet...


This morning was heavy! I'm not used to being spoiled with a thousand gifts. I'm happy with all my gifts but disappointed Jack didn't get me anything. Or I thought he didn't.

I was changing into my bikini when the door burst open revealing a beaming Jack. And, my exposed breast, which I soon covered. "Jack! You startled me."

"Sorry, baby. Oh, hello you two." I immediately blush and attach the strings. "Do you really think, I didn't get you anything? What kind of boyfriend would I be?"

He approaches me and closes the door with his foot. His hands behind his back, he kissed me as I kiss back. "Here, baby girl."

His hand showed a blue Tiffany box, I smile and open it. My eyes went wide it was gorgeous! It's a silver locket with the letter J. "Jack."

"Yeah, so now you know you're mine. And, people will know too." I smile and smash his lips with mine, he pulls me up to his body, and I wrap my legs around him. His hands roam over my back until he found what he was looking for, the strings.

He slowly, pull on one then the other, waiting for my permission. "Everyone is outside, come on."

"You fucking tease." He laughs as he puts back his shirt on. I'm so going to get my revenge.

"So? Did you like it?" Cameron asks while we tan side by side.

"You knew?"

"I went with him to pick it out, while you were dress shopping. Speaking of which, how should I ask Beth to prom?" I smile.

"Do it, at the show. It's romantic, and oh wait- people will know you're dating.."

"I don't care. She's my girl and I love her, and people might as well know that now." I like Cameron for Bethany I never thought he'd actually love her like she loves him.

Looking around seeing everyone, is making me miss Shawn and Matt. Yeah, Matt had to leave to his hometown cause his mother got sick. Shawn although, I'm sure he's having fun.

"Yoo, roomie. Come play with us." I look through my shades to see Sammy with a b-ball. "Come, Cam. They don't know I can play."

"Alright, so this is a 3 pointer, that's a two. Man to man, and it's no longer than 5 seconds in hand. So, you have to dribble got it?"

"Got it Skate. Whose in the jump ball?" He points at Nash and Johnson. I'm against my own blood.

Johnson shoves it towards us and I jump to catch it. I dribble making my way towards the other basket, making Hayes fall because of the crossover I did. I look if I'm behind the white line then shoot- 3 points right here baby! I turn around to see the boys staring at me.

"Oh right, I didn't mention I knew how to play and I also won MVP for my school team." I shrug and dribble through my legs.

"Shit- who knew about this?" Sammy asks.

Noah, Beth, my cousin, and Cameron's hands were up. They were all smirking too. "Alright, now I'm not going to play soft. Babygirl, you've should have told me!"

We continue to play for a while until I got tired of it. I went on my twitter and Instagram.

@justinbieber: Happy birthday to this one! @saragrier Little throwback with her 😘

@jackgilinsky: happy birthday babygirl, te amo @saragrier ❤️

@sammywilk: Aye it's @saragrier's birthday!

@madisonellebeer: happy birthday, much love @saragrier

@saragrierisbae: HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUEEN!! 🙌🏼 @saragrier

I smile at all the mentions and I reply to a couple of them! Now, I'm on Instagram going through my mentions.

@kyliejenner: sidekick, dearest friend, and sister from another mother. Happy birthday, babe! This picture was so unexpected but turns out pretty rad! Love you so f*** much! @saragrier

It was a picture with Stassie and Kylie, we were at her beach house and Kris just took the picture out of the blue and it turns out to be a great photography!

@bethanye: It's my bestie's birthday! #tbt to our first week of freshman helllla 🙌🏼 @saragrier

I laugh at our ugly faces!

A lot of people have mentioned my birthday and posted a lot of pictures. Ugly ones, and nice ones. I smile at all the friends I made.

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