23. Visiting

229 5 0

27 June 2015


Everyone gathered up at Starbucks to chat. I was talking to Mahogany about our announcement.

"Alright, so guys why are we here?" Shawn asks, a little confuse.

"Sara and Taylor have an announcement to make," Kenny soon replied.

"Okay, so as you may know my parents died a few years ago. And yesterday I found out that I own a property, but also I learned that it has 10 rooms, so 8 of you can move in with Nash and I. I know we're about 15 but that's the number of rooms I have. Sorry." Wait? Is she kidding?

Half of the group was shocked, but they'll be even more shock after what I need to tell them.

"And my announcement is that some of you guys can move in with me and Lox because well guys- Mahogany and I are dating." There was a bunch of 'I told you, I knew it' and I was happy to hear that.

"Wait- if you're dating Taylor who's dating Jacob?" Nash asks, and everyone else seems to wonder too.

"Jacob cheated on me, with Bea Miller. But it's okay, we ended on a good term."

There was a couple of gasps by the boys. The girls were suddenly talking about something else.

"Alright, so who moves in with who?" Kenny asked.

Since I was close to Sara, we kind of talk about it.

"So, Beth, Cam. That's for sure. Jack & Jack, Matt?"

"Count me in," Matt shouted over at Sara.

"I'd love to live with you guys but I'm going on tour soon and I got to move a lot so, I won't need a place," Shawn said, and we nod.

"Kenny. My boy, you move in with me." I look over at Kenny, and he smiles.

"I want my roomie with me, and Nate you can move in too. If that's okay with you?"

"It's perfect, beautiful."

"Good, next step. Move in."


I was so happy to move in with Sara, she's like my little sister. After we ate, the guys who move in with Taylor went with him. And as for the others, we are on our way to visit our soon to be new house.

"Apparently, there is a basketball court boys," she said keeping her eyes on the road. Nash who was sitting beside her turned to G and fist pumps him. "This is it- holy fucking shit. Dear lord forgive me."

Woah, that house was sure as hell huge. It was kind of on a mountain of we could say that. It was white and black, we could see the balcony from the driveway. We rush inside, to find a beautiful and modern entrance. "I can't believe this is yours," I say as I put my arm around her shoulders.

"It's not. From now on, this house is ours. I don't want to hear 'oh it's yours, wow your house'. Alright? It's ours, and don't you guys ever forget that. Am I clear?"

Everyone smiled and agreed, "yes ma'am."

"Good. Alright so here's the plan. There's 5 rooms upstairs and 5 rooms downstairs. I prefer upstairs, but the rest is up to you." She walks out to the balcony to our beautiful view while we talk about the rooms, and when she comes backs in we explain everything.

"The Jack's are upstairs. Beth and Nash too. So this would leave the rest of us downstairs." Cam said, and everyone gave their thumbs up.

We visited the whole house before leaving to start packing. Did I mention that the backyard is fucking huge? Oh and the basketball court-oh mamma mia am I happy to call this my house. Although it does seem weird to me.


It kind of sucks to lie to them. I could have moved in with Tay or the others but I can't. I'm going on tour, not Magcon but another tour with Austin Mahone. I just don't know how to tell them, I won't be going back with them on tour.

One thing I know is they're going to be so proud of me! I don't want to sound cocky or anything but I've come so far! I'm happy to be where I am. I'll just miss them so bad... I decided to text the one person who I trust the most. Sara.

Can we meet again? But alone, I need to talk to you...

Muse 🎶: Sure! What about that old park in the woods where we used to go..? In 10?

I'll be there!

As said, I met Sara in the park. She brought coffee and tea for her, God that girl. "Here, so what's on your mind Muffin?" I smile at my given nickname.

I sigh then, "I won't be going back on tour with you guys."

She spits her tea, "why?"

"Because I'm going on tour with Austin Mahone. A little bit around the world," and to that she was in my arms.

"I'm so proud of you Muffin! Kind of bummed but so proud! But before you leave, I need to hear the new songs you told us about. Oh, and I am not taking no for an excuse." She laughs, I'm gonna miss that sweet laugh of hers.

"I promise. But how do I tell the guys?"

"Tell them, like you did to me. They'll be disappointed for sure but they will be proud of you! And they're going to support you till the end, just like me."

"Thanks. That's why I called you. Always know the right words to say." We hug then walk away still talking about how the guys will be happy.

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