5. Breakfast Club

409 5 0

21 June 2014


I wake up around 6h, I don't know why but I feel like I need to go on the rooftop, just to breathe.

I don't know how I got into bed but I'll ask the boys later. I like coming on the roof, I always do it when I need to think or to breathe. I used to do it with my mom.

Around 7:30, I went back to my room and went on my phone for about 30 minutes. I saw Jack mentioned me yesterday night on twitter. I favorited and smile.

I made my bed, and put my suitcase on it. "Okay, sunny outside and I'm around boys," I told myself as I choose some denim shorts with a crop top, showing my shoulders, with a pair of wedge sandals. I took my white lace bra and thong and placed everything on my bed then headed for my shower.

The hot water runs over my body as I relax to the temperature.

I got out and saw Gilinsky and Sammy in my room.


"Nash she doesn't pick up nor answer the door." Hayes panicked because Sara didn't answer her phone or her door which he thought was weird.

"Dude, calm down, she's probably sleeping or something." Johnson tried to calm Hayes, and he successfully did.

"Oh, I still have her key! Look you boys go get a table for us while Sammy and I wake Sara up?"

They all nodded and sprinted to the elevators.

"Get the key, I'll wait in front of her door," I told Jack and he was gone in his room.

Jack swiped the card and we entered to find a made bed, and suitcase open with a set of super hot white lace bra & thong.

Sara wasn't there, or we thought she wasn't.

We turn around to the sound of a door and saw Sara with a towel around her body, revealing a little bit of her butt. She hasn't looked up yet, until now. She's so fucking beautiful.

"What the fuck boys, how d'you get in?" She says with a wide open mouth that forms an O.

"Well, N-Nash and Hayes were worried cause you ain't answering your phone or your door," Jack said with- how do we call it? Lust? Yeah with lust in his eyes, probably because of Sara's body.

"So what you just break in my room? Haven't you guys thought that I might be in the shower?" She asks angrily.

"Jack still had your key. No, we haven't. But now that you're here. Get dress and meet us downstairs for breakfast." I started leaving but added, "by the way nice choice on the bra and thong." I laugh once I was out the door. Jack didn't follow me. I'm too hungry to go get him.

"So was she in her room?" Nash asks as I take a seat next to him, and I nod.

"In the shower, she's getting dress, and for Gilinsky well he's waiting for her I think."

"HAHA BITCH YOU OWE ME 5$!" Johnson yelled over at Matt, and he paid up.


"Johnson betted that Jack would stay with Sara," Kenny answered while the boys all laugh. I join in.


Seeing Sara with only a towel, with a little exposure of her ass, woke something in me. I'm attracted to her.

"By the way nice choice on the bra and thong." I chuckled but didn't follow him out of the door.

"You had my key? So you're the one who tucked me in?" She asks as she takes her outfit including her bra and thong. "Turn around I'm changing."

"Yeah, you were just so sleepy and Hayes didn't want to wake you up so I volunteered to tuck you in," I smirk and turn around facing the view from the balcony while she changes, right behind me. I pinch myself not to look at her.

"You can turn around now." I immediately obey and found myself next to her while she grabs her phone, she puts on some peach lipstick and reaches for my hand, or I thought it was my hand but instead, she took the card; her key.

"Come on, hottie." She winks and walks out of her room holding the door for me.

"Thanks, gorgeous," I smirk and slide my arm around her shoulder and she laughs.

"I don't get it. I'm usually shy or uncomfortable with guys I just met but you and the others are so- warming and comfortable." I smile and press the RC button for the lobby.

"I'm usually not that huggy with girls, but you just make me want to hold you." She smiles and punches my arm, not too hard.

We reach the breakfast table and the boys all whistled since I still had my arm around her shoulders.

"Shut up guys," I said but couldn't help my laughter afterward.

"You boys just can't stop worrying about me ehn?" Sara asks Nash and Hayes but they didn't respond they just look around like no one talked.

Sara kissed Nash and Hayes on their cheeks, the boys and I smile while Hayes blushes and Nash nods yeah.

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