35. Party

189 2 1

4 July 2014


My house was crowded, people were in the pool, on the balcony playing beer pong, it was crazy. I seriously can't wait to see Sara's reaction, it's going to be lit as fuck. As I was talking with Hailey and Kendall, I heard cars coming in the driveway. There were people coming out of the cars, and I saw that one girl I was looking for, she had her eyes covered. I told everyone to hide, and when I'd say go, we would scream SURPRISE. 

"Guys, where are we?" I smile at her curiosity, Jack took off her bandage and I give the signal for everyone to scream. 

"SURPRISE," I walk towards her, opening my arms. Sara was smiling, looking at everyone amazed. 

"I hate you so much right now, I told you I didn't want anything for my birthday." She hugs Jack after letting me go. 

"You didn't really think that we wouldn't do anything for your birthday? Come on, you know us." Nash says putting an arm around his cousin's shoulders. She looks around and spots Kendall running towards her. I never realized how hot she was, and God that dress fit perfectly to her body. The way she twirled her hair while talking to K made me weak. I should've taken my chance when I had it. Now, she's Jack's. 


This, I will remember this forever. I was at my sixth drink and started to see blurry faces, so I told myself it'd be my last drink for tonight. It was 3 AM now, and half of the people were gone, the only people left were the gang, Kendall&Kylie, Cara, and Hails. We were sitting around a campfire, and the weather outside was perfect, warm and chilly. I looked around seeing beautiful people that made my birthday but I realized someone was missing. And, I needed that someone with me. 

"Did you guys see G?" 

Johnson looks up, realizing his half was missing too. The others were too high to react, I shake my head grinning. Jack whispered, "I'll go look for him, want to help?" 

I take my shoes off and follow him in the house calling G's name. We searched all the first floor, the second and now we up to the third floor. Why is it so big at Justin's? I laugh and mentally answered my own question. It's Justin, everything's big with him. That sounded wrong.

I enter a room, no one. The next room, no one. While I was closing the door I thought I heard shouting. "Jack, what's wrong?" 

He took me by the arm and pulled me out with him, "nothing. Come." I break free from his grip and run towards the room he was in a minute ago. Jack followed me, running blocking access to the door. "Don't go in there Sara, please. Just don't." He was blurry now, not because of the alcohol but tears were forming.

Johnson's tone wasn't normal, his voice cracked when he warned me. But stubborn as I am, I push open the door revealing Gilinsky on the bed, half naked with a bottle of vodka half empty beside him. The next thing I saw broke my heart, Madison was laying right next to him. Glued to his body. 

"ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME RIGHT NOW?" I couldn't help but scream at his fucking face. Jack woke up and realized how in deep shit he was when he looked at me then Madison. 

"Babe? I th-" I slap him across the face and run outside. I let my shoes there and run towards the only place I feel safe. I'm glad Noah lend me his sweatshirt earlier it started to get cold. I walk on the wooden platform and sit looking at the blurry skylights. I can't believe it, I gave him everything. 

My phone kept ringing; Jack, Madison, Johnson. Jack, Madison, Johnson. I turned it off and closed my eyes, inhaling fresh air sending it to my mind. Thoughts were running through my mind, and I remembered something my mother used to say. 

Babygirl, don't you cry for a boy. Never let one male bring you down, be that one girl who will keep her guards up even if he hurt you. Show him what he lost, and do nothing about it. It's going to break his heart and now you'd call it even.

"Jack Gilinsky you broke my heart, and now we're not even."

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