19. Prepping

227 4 0

25 June 2014


I was sleeping when a phone wakes me up. I take my cellphone and answer but the ringing continued. I then remember something, Beth stayed here.

I finally see her phone on the edge of the couch and answer it.

"Beth's phone. What can I do for you?"

"Cam is that you?" I recognize her voice in an instant.

"Well hello there Ms.Valedictorian. I invited Bethany here and it looks like we fell asleep."

She laughs, "yeah well it's not like you mind. But can I speak to her? And get the fuck up, I can hear your morning voice. You have a graduation to attend."

I laugh at her comment, "I'm up. I don't know where she is, hold up I'll check in the kitchen." I walk in the kitchen and see Beth sitting on a stool. "Yeah, she's there."

I leave the girls to talk while I take a shower. I get out hoping to see Beth back in the kitchen but just saw a note.

Sorry I fell asleep last night. Had fun talking to you. I'm over to Sara's, see you later Cam! xx

I dress up in beige pants with a blue button-up shirt. I take my car keys and head over to get Shawn.

"Hey man, what's up?" He asks as he opens the door to get in.

"Not much. What about you?"

"Recorded three new songs yesterday! I seriously can't wait to show you guys." I smile and head over at Nash's.


"It's time you get here, I thought you forgot our plan," I said, as Beth makes her way into the house.

"Sorry. I fell asleep at Cam's, and no nothing happened, we just talked."

"I didn't ask."

"You wanted to. Anyways, I need to go to the bathroom, give me a minute," she smiles and heads towards the bathroom, leaving me alone in the kitchen.

"Hey hey. How are you? You must be excited to leave high school." Johnson walks up to me and sits on the stool next to mine.

"Hey JJ. Good. And I am excited actually. I can't wait." He nods when the other boys come down. I greet them all with a tight hug. Beth does the same when she comes back from the bathroom.

"What are you guys doing today?" I ask them.

"Well, not much actually. Your graduation is at 3h, and it's 11h45 we can't really do anything?" Hayes answers when Gilinsky added. "What about you girls?"

"Beth and I have plans, but we're going to be upstairs all morning. You know prepping? Graduation stuff."

They nod, without any interests. Guessing they just woke up, they need to eat first before showing any emotions.

A knock on the door made us all jump. Hayes opens up the door to reveal, Matt, Cam, Shawn, Taylor, Kenny, Sammy, a dude, and Mahogany.

"Rooomie." I run up to Sammy and hug him tight, then I do the same to everyone else except the boy who accompanied Sam.

"Nate this is Sara. Sara this Nate." We shake hands and then Sammy presents Nate to Beth.

"Holy shit we look like a big family," I whisper thinking I was the only person who could hear but apparently everyone else did, because they murmured, "we are."


When she ran up to me and threw her arms around my neck, I just wanted to hold her petite body against mine.

"She's gorgeous," Nate whispers in my ear as all the girls walk upstairs.

"I know," I answer back, to my surprise he didn't say anything else.

"Wow. You boys are all so handsome." Nash and Hayes's step-mother said when she saw us all in the living room. We said our thank you's.

We were in the middle of playing a game of Madden when Lox bursts in the room.

"Holy fucking shit. I'm sorry for my cursing but God damn when you boys will see the girls. You're ALL going to be head over heels, even you Nash and Hayes." She lets a sigh out when she sits next to Taylor.

They've been together ever since Lox got on tour with us. I wonder if they're dating, just haven't told us yet. My thoughts are moved away when I heard high heels.

"Be ready guys. Be ready." Mahogany said so all the boys could hear, and then we saw two marvelous beautiful girls walking in the living room.

Johnson's remote collapsed on the wooden floor. Matt, Shawn, and Kenny had their mouth wide open. Nash, Cam, and Hayes looked at them like they were supermodels. Nate, for the first time, is blinking. Taylor and Lox smile, while Gilinsky and I stare at them.

"Holy shit." Was all I said before Beth and Sara starts laughing.

"I'll take this as a compliment, thank you."

"Wow, I can't believe I'm related to you," Hayes said, and Nash nods.

"We have the three most beautiful girl-friends that boys would wish to have," Cameron commented, including Lox in his statement.

"We don't know each other yet, but you're both extremely gorgeous," Nate says, Sara and Bethany give him a smile.

Chad walks in with Nila by his side. Looking around the room for the person they're looking for. Chad walks over to Sara and hugs her, in front of the whole group.

"I couldn't be more proud of you. Your parents would be so so so proud of the woman you've become."

"Thanks, Uncle. What about we hit the road before my make up gets ruin?" She's the only one who can make a whole room laugh.

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