28. Hanging In NY

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30 June 2014


"How can you not like this ice cream, Jack!" Sara gasps and licks up the drop on her ice cream cone. Which, I just tasted and it was awful.

"It just doesn't fit with my mouth."

"That's what she said!" Sammy suddenly yells, making everyone laugh. "Nasty, bro!" Matt joins in.

"Y'all boys are nasty, except for this little one! I can't believe you're the youngest and the most mature one here." Sara told Hayes, who just smirks at us. "But the cockiest one!"

We decided to go to the Original Chinatown Ice Cream Factory since it was kind of hot, and the girls kept whining they were hungry for ice cream. I can't wait for tonight, I'm officially going on a date with Sara. I don't even know why I'm so damn excited, I just, really like her. I usually don't date my best friend's relatives but she's different and perfect.

I was thinking about where to bring her when she slumps down next to me, on the shop's couch. "So, Mr.Gilinsky where are you taking me tonight?"

What do I tell her? "We are going to an old retro diner, then wander the street of New York, and to finish the beautiful night, with a beautiful girl. We are going to order a movie in your room if you don't mind us going into your room." She smiles at the plan I just invented and kisses my cheek.

"A boy who knows what he wants, I like that."

"Guys, can you just date already and kiss for real?" Johnson said, looking all goofy. Sara laughs and finishes her ice cream cone. A green tea ice cream flavor!

I make a gagging noise as she licks her beautiful rounded pink lips. I want her so bad!


"Yeah, I'm sorry we didn't get to say goodbye. I'll make it up to you. Mark my words." I told Bethany on the phone. See, I kind of told Bethany I was interested in her, and so did she. Nobody knows at this moment, but when tour finishes I'll take her on a date, oh we could double date. Gilinsky with Sara, and Beth and I.

"Alright, call you later babe." I hung up, and-wait did I just call her babe? Shit, I wonder how she's reacting now.

It was now 4h in the afternoon and we were still walking in New York city. I was talking to Sammy and Kenny when we heard a bunch of screams.


"GRISKY! GRISKY!" What the hell are they saying?

We took pictures with the fans that block the street, yelling hysterically. Sammy and Matt were mobbed by a bunch of girls, Kenny was signing some autographs. The rest were taking pictures or talking.

"Hey, Cameron, is there anything between you and Bethany Evans?" Woah, how the hell did they know? I ignore the question and move over to other girls, feeling guilty.

"We love you guys. Who's coming to the show tomorrow?" Hayes asks, and it was a bad idea because they started yelling louder! "We'll see you all there then, love you all!

We decided to go back to the hotel and get a little rest before the movie. I look at the time, and my eyes went wide 5h45 PM! We stayed an hour and forty-five minutes with the girls, that's crazy. It only seemed like 25 minutes or so.

"Hey, we still up for the movie gang?"

"Yeah! But, what are we going to watch?" Mahogany asks.

We were in Sammy and Matt's room to talk about which movie to go see. And, obviously, we were all arguing.

"No, that looks so fucking lame!"

"This movie beats all your suggestions!"

After 10 minutes, we finally set our mind on a movie that every single one of us agrees. The Guardians of the Galaxy.


"Now that it settled, I'm going to shower." Lox stands up, peck Taylor's cheek and head over to her room.

When she leaves, all eyes were on the only girl left in the room, oh and it's me.


"In four days, you know what's happening." Nash nudges my arm and wiggles his eyebrows. I look at my phone for the date.

How could I forget? I'm turning 18 on the fourth of July. "Guys, I don't want anything. I'm not needy on my birthday."

"What? We are totally getting you something." I didn't say anything else after Cam's comment because I know I would lose.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go prepare myself for my date." I start walking out of the room and add, "G, formal or casual?"

He smiles, "casual."

Author's Note: In the next chapter, it's going to continue with Sara's point of view.

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