31. LA LA Baby

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2 July 2014


Skate and I were waiting for them at the airport, I can't wait to see my best friend again, and also everyone else especially Cameron. We've been calling and texting non-stop, now that he's staying in LA we won't need to do that for awhile. We walk in the airport and I didn't know Skate was that popular when fans started to mob him. And me?

"Oh my God, Nate can I have a picture with you?"

"Bethany! You should totally follow my fan account I did for you and Cameron!" I smile and hug her, her mom took a picture of us. How can people be that sweet?

After our little mob session in the airport, we headed towards the international terminal and waited for the gang to cross the gate. "Can't wait to see them," I mutter under my breath, and I catch Nate grinning up and down. I know why Sara and Jack walked through the gate hand in hand. "Bethany!"

We run up to each other, and she jumps on me wrapping her legs around mine. "I missed you so much best friend!" I let her down and kiss her cheek! I was engulfed by a lot of hugs, but not by Cameron yet. I look for him and saw that he wasn't out the gate yet. Sara and Skate are hugging, and now I see him. I don't know what pushed me to do it but I did. I ran towards Cameron, he drops his bags and I wrap myself on him, kissing his perfect lips. He immediately kisses back and I smile through the kiss.

"I never thought our first kiss would be that romantic!" I laugh and jump off his arms. Everyone was staring at us and beaming.

As we were driving back home, we saw a couple outside taking prom pictures. My eyes widen, it's prom in fucking 4 days how the fuck could I forget that! "SARA! When is your show?"

"The hell you scream for, it's on July 8th. Don't worry, I didn't forget about prom."


I didn't forget about prom, I just forgot about my dress. I know she has hers already. I think I might take Jack to prom with me but I don't want to start any drama and jealousy at school. And, by saying this I mean Madison Bowman. I hate her so much, but I don't really care.

Madison: HEY girl. I heard you're back in LA, wanna hang?

Sure. I was about to go prom shopping with Bethany, you can join us.

"Home sweet home!" I push to open our house door and slump down on the couch, and Jack came beside me. "Baby, do you mind if I go shop with Beth and Madison?" He shakes his head and kisses my forehead.

"The red one. You need to go with the gray one." I grimace at Bethany's choice, while Mads check some blue ones.

I wander in the shop when my eyes lay on one particular dress. This is it. It was a simple red dress. The left side of the leg was cut open, it was perfect. "Girls, I'm buying that dress."

"You're going to be the most gorgeous girls at prom, I'm sure," Madison said as we get in our driveway. I invited her over, she knows the guys so why not.

"Need to hit the studio soon, yo-yo why don't you come with us?" Skate asks me after we finally smoke our first joint together.

"Shut up, you're saying shit!" Laughter filled my body. "But, you ask so yeah I'm def going with you guys. I'll see you tomorrow Skathan!"

"Night, DollFace!"

I went to my room to find Jack in my bed, I smile. The weed left my body minutes ago, I grab G's t-shirt on the floor and put it on revealing a little of my ass. I climb in with him, close the light, kiss his lips and as I do that he moves his hands up my waist and they lay there pulling my body closer to his.

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