11. Game On

303 6 0

22 June 2014


Everyone was in the lobby, ready to play mini putt.

I couldn't take my eyes off Sara, and I was right she is Sammy's type because since they got in the lobby, they haven't stopped talking and laughing together.

The van that took us to Lunar Mini Golf was the same van that took us to Chipotle earlier.

I was on Instagram and decided to reply to some pictures and comments.

@GilinskyAF: @jackgilinsky this guy has saved me through so many battles. Thankful, I love you so much!

@jackgilinsky: I'm glad I did. Love you more.

There were so many beautiful messages and also hate messages but I didn't pay any attention to them.

@jack-gilinsky: Forget the haters boo because you're doing it right! @jackgilinsky

@jackgilinsky: Haha. Thank you, love you!

"I love that you take the time to answer to these special people." I look up and saw Sara looking at my phone screen.

"I try to answer everyone times to times but I can't answer everyone, sadly," she smiles and presses on a name.

"Oh my God, she commented on one of my youtube videos."

"I'll answer her."

We read the message she sent me, "it's dedicated to both of us."

@grier-gilinsky: One year ago I never imagined that I'd be watching people on my computer. But I'm glad I did because every time I'm feeling low, I look at one of Jack & Jack's video or even Sara Grier's. You're my heroes. @jackgilinsky & @jackjackjohnson @saragrier

"Tag me in, I'll reply to her too." I did what she told me.

@jackgilinsky: This is beautiful. I'm glad I can make you smile when you're feeling low. I'll be showing this to @jackjackjohnson and @saragrier. Love you!

Seconds later, I saw Sara had replied.

@saragrier: I can't find the words, this means so much to me. I love you! Like Jack said I'm glad I can make you smile when you're feeling low but you shouldn't be sad! I love you!

We put our phones away and gave our attention to the gang.

"We should talk about the teams," Lox said, and everyone oohed.

"I'm going with you Mahogany," Taylor said.

I look in Sara's direction and she was looking at me, "I'm with Gilinsky," she states.

The teams were made, and everyone was happy with their partner. I know I was.

"We're going to kick some asses, pretty boy."

I smile and entered the center with everyone else.

I decided to post a snapchat of the place and write a little caption.


We were at our fifth hole and Gilinsky and Sara were winning along with Sammy and Johnson.

"You weren't even looking how can you put that in the hole!" Kenny whined he's the biggest competitor I know.

"Look, I ain't gonna lie. I'm naturally good at mini putting." I laugh at my cousin's comment, I walk over to her.

"Tomorrow's the day, Hayes and I we'll do something for her," I told her and slide an arm around her shoulder.

"Thank you," she kisses my cheek and hugs my side.

"Next hole!"

I started walking and Sara followed, "so what's up with you and G?"

"What? Oh nothing, he's a great guy."


"What? It's true."

"Sara Elena Grier. I'm your cousin, I've known you my whole life. I think I can tell whether or not you're crushing on someone, especially if he's one of my good friends."

She smiles but shakes her head, "Hamilton Nash Grier. Even if I get along with Jack it doesn't mean I have something for him, but I do like his company."

"That just proved my point, now come on, it's your sixth hole, don't let G down."

"Shut up."

After getting our asses beat by my lovely cousin and Gilinsky, we decided to grab a bite.

"I can't believe we lost by 3 points, we were right behind you guys," Sammy said, and Johnson just shrug.

"It's hard to lose when your partner is a bomb," Gilinsky commented but before Sara could answer her phone rang.

"Hello?" Her eyes suddenly widened.

"Yes, of course. No, I'm glad to hear this. I won't let you down, thank you so much, Mr.Hunter." She placed her phone on the table and smiled, she looks up at the sky and mouthed thank you.

"What is it?" Hayes asks and everyone seemed concerned.

"I have 8.9 average, I'm the valedictorian for the class of 2014." I jumped and wrap my arms around her, I'm so proud of her!

"That's great! Congratulations honey!" Lox said and hugged Sara.

"Let's make a toast for our beautiful friend and valedictorian for the class of 2014," Shawn said and grabbed his sprite bottle and waved it in the air, we knock our bottles together.

"To Sara," we chanted, and she kept looking at the sky.

We headed back to the hotel, and everyone went up to their rooms.

"I'm proud of you, big couz." I hug Sara before she joined Sammy in the hallway to their room.

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