38. Prom I

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6 July 2014


"Sara! Finally, you picked up. Where are you? Johnson said not to worry, but I could-"

"I'm at Justin's. Spent the night over there, and now Bethany is coming to get ready over at his house for prom. I don't have time to argue with you about anything. I forgave you, so stop worrying. Talk to you soon." The line went dead. I sigh and throw my phone on my bed. Prom. "FUCK! Fuck."

"What's wrong G?" Sammy asks coming back from the field. The boys and I sorted things out, it was good. Although with Bethany it wasn't that good but don't get me wrong- it's girl code.

"I forgot about Sara's prom. I'm a complete idiot." He murmurs a small yes, and I glare at him with no anger. I couldn't be mad at him or any of the boys. They should be mad at me.

"I'm sorry bro, but there's really nothing you can do now. And, if there would be something you could do, you should do it because you two were like Romeo&Juliet." I shake my head to Sammy's comparison but still agree. I had to find something.

My phone rings and Sammy leaves. I groan as I see who it is. "What the fuck do you want? I told you to stop calling or text, I'm done with your shit. The play you did on Sara's birthday was cruel and disgusting, but hey at least I know I didn't fucking deflowered your flat boney ass." I yell.

"Awh, Jacky don't be like that! I know you liked it." I make a puking sound.

"No, and I'm going to go check if I didn't catch any bugs from you. I'm blocking your number, unfollowing you on IG, and most importantly blocking you off my snapchat. I don't want to receive any snaps from you anymore. If I'd want to see mosquitos bites I'd go camping. Adieu." I hung up and did what I told her I would do. Madison was out for good and forever.

It's funny because while I was yelling at the bitch, I got an idea on how I'm going to get my baby back. I needed a suit.


"I'll see you later girls," Justin says goodbye and leaves. We got the house to ourselves.

"What's on your mind?" Bethany asks as she set our dresses down.

"Justin. He invited me to go to his lake house for a bit but I don't know if I can." I told her everything that was bothering me. Madison's threat, Magcon being canceled, and most importantly my feelings for Jack.

"I love you, Sara, I will go through with your decision. But, don't get your heart broken anymore." I hug my best friend, not wanting to let her go. She did, "Noah will pick us up here at seven sharp. We'd better get started with Bieber's planning. This is crazy!"

Justin planned a spa day for Beth and me before getting glam. This morning was perfect, Cynthia and Marcos came in and massaged us. Edna made our nails, and now she was making our hair. Well, actually Beth's since I just wanted it to be wavy it wasn't long. 

I sit outside alone, thinking about how my life changed. I met someone who made me feel good about myself, someone who understood me, someone who loved me for who I am. Yet, he still chose to cheat. But, I'm still completely in love with him. 

I'm so stupid for agreeing to go with Justin after prom. 

Skate: HEY DOLLFACE! Our song made it to the top hits. Have fun tonight dollface, love you tons. xx

THAT'S SO HUGE! So proud of you Skathan! Love you back. xx

At least something good is happening, I smile to myself remembering the verse I wrote with Sammy and Nate. "Sara? Come on it's time to get dress." 

My dress fitted perfectly. The heels made me look taller but smaller than Justin which is perfect. My hair was still wavy, and my make up was perfectly made. We were ready. 

As told, Noah showed up at seven sharp with Bianca. Justin was waiting patiently in the living room with Cameron. They were talking about the new Ferrari. 

"Wow, you look amazing," Cam told Bethany then kissed her on the cheek. "Sara, always making an entrance." I laugh. I'm glad people could make me smile or laugh easily. 

"We should go," Justin says grabbing my hand. 


Sara was beautiful. I kept telling her, and she smiles every time I did. The limousine parked in front of the entrance. I hope the flashes didn't follow me here tonight, because I won't take it if it ruins her night. Noah and his date got out, followed by Cameron and Bethany. Sara was last, and I let her walk in front. I snapped a picture of her and quickly posted it on my Instagram. I hope he will see it. 

@justinbieber: Did you really let her leave, come on man. #LookAtHer

Tagged: @saragrier

I close my phone and hurry down the aisle to walk with Sara

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I close my phone and hurry down the aisle to walk with Sara. 


By the way: Danielle Campbell in the media part, this is what Sara's makeup looks like. The second picture; took it off google images.

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