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19 June 2014


I was finishing a video for my YouTube channel when I heard a little laugh from under my bed.

"Oh no, is this the big monster SkySky?" I chanted and she laughs harder, I yank my arm under the bed and tickle her side.

"Stop Sara! It-it tickles."

I then stop to let Skylynn up. "What were you doing under my bed? Little princess?"

"I was looking at you make a video, it's fun."

"We should do a video together." Skylynn smiles and hugs me tight around my neck which felt like a choker.

"SkySky, I need air." She let me go and ran away, probably in her room. I check my phone and check the time, 17:45.

I walk downstairs to make dinner for Nash, Hayes, and Skylynn since my aunt and uncle are still at work.

I decided to make a homemade pizza. It wasn't long to make when Hayes helps me do it.

"Thanks, Hayes." I told him and he chuckled.

"I love making pizza with you."

"I'll go see Nash." I went to the basement and saw him filming a vine. I laugh.

"Shit Sara! Don't scare me like that." Nash put a hand over his heart.

"Sorry, I wanted to tell you that Hayes and I made-"

"Pizza!" Nash run towards the kitchen.

I walk upstairs on his trail. "Nash, you could of let me finish my damn sentence."

"Sorry, but your pizza is the best in the entire world." I laugh, I watch my three perfect cousins eat pizza while I grab a slice for myself.

Ding Dong! I let go of my slice and went to answer the door.

"Hey, Cam. The boys are in the kitchen." I let him in, we hug then he made his way to the boys.

"Dude, have you check your emails?"

"No why? What's up?" Nash grabs his MacBook and checks his emails.

"Magcon is back baby!"

"Shut the hell up! Oh my God! Yes!!" Hayes screams, and I laugh.

"Hey, they mention you, Sara."

"What? No way."

Nash pushes his computer towards me and I read.

Somebody send us a video of your cousin Sara Grier, if she would like to go on tour with you, she is gladly invited.

"Alright, guys who did it?" I smile and catch Cameron whistling.

"Dallas, you got anything to say?" I walk in front of him with hands on my hips.

"Okay! I did it, but Sara you're very talented and you should come with us, and you could meet the guys."

I wrap my arms around his neck and whisper, "thank you so much."

"Wait- you're not mad?" Cam asks with a shock expression.

"Of course not, I'll meet the other boys and I'll have fun with you guys, meeting the fans and everything." I smile and he returns it.

This is going to be an awesome journey.


I'm happy Sara gets to come with us, I mean she deserves it. Since she started her YouTube channel she got viral like the boys and me. She hasn't met all of the boys but she will soon know them. I know she knows, Matt, Cam, and Shawn. The other ones nope! She might have seen the Jacks but never talked.

"When is it?" Hayes asks while I check the whole email.

"Shit, we're leaving tomorrow at 7 pm."

"Oh, you said the sss word," Skylynn whispers while she moves her head in a circle. I look at her, and she smiles.

"So, you're telling me, I should pack now."

I look at my cousin with a confused face. "Why? We're leaving tomorrow night."

"I need to go to school tomorrow, Nash I had a perfect attendance all year. Plus, it's my last day of high school." I roll my eyes at her, which I shouldn't have done because now she glares at me with fire in her eyes.

"It's okay, we'll pick you up after school. Right, Nash and Cam?" Hayes said, and we nod.

"Thanks, well I'm gonna start now. Skylynn wanna help me?" My sister run up to her and follows.

"Nash, aunt Mary had a perfect attendance all of her Secondary 5 year." My brother said, and I felt stupid rolling my eyes at my cousin.

"How do you know that?" I ask. I stand up and put away the dishes when Hayes answers.

"She told me, yesterday night." I sigh and sit back down beside the boys.

"Okay, well I'm going to get going guys, but see y'all tomorrow." Cam wave good-bye and he was out the door. I felt horrible.

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