24. New Home

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28 June 2014


We spent the whole day packing. I was so exhausted, I needed to stop a little bit. So, I made my way to the kitchen to make myself some food.

A sandwich sounds good at this time of the day. It was about 3 minutes before noon. My sandwich was done, at the exact moment, the boys came in.

"Only one? How are we all going to share?" Nash asks, smirking.

"You're so funny. Boys, you got legs and hands, there's the bread," I smile and pointed at the bread.

"Are you guys done yet?" Chad said as he enters the kitchen and takes a bite of my sandwich. Hey!

"I am, and Cameron too. What about you guys?" Nash said, and looks over at me and the Jacks.

"Well, there was pretty much nothing big to pack so we're done. It's in his jeep." Johnson said, and Gilinsky just nod.

"Bethany is done, she just texted me. Sammy and Skate also. Matt, I don-" before I could finish Nash spoke.

"Yeah, his done. Just texted me, sorry."

"Okay, and as for me. I just need to box my shelf, in my room and I'm done."

"That's good guys, so you're moving in later. I guess."

Around one thirty, I was completely done. I was so excited to move in. The others decided to meet us at the house, so it would be more simple.

"I'll see you guys later," I said as I climbed in my jeep. I get to drive alone since Nash got in with the Jacks.

I plug my phone in and press shuffle. Take Your Time by Sam Hunt started blasting my ears. I sang along to all the songs that played until I got to my destination.


I was so excited to move in with my best friend, it seems that it only happens in movies! Cameron picked me up before heading over to 'our' house.

Cars started to block the driveway meaning everyone was arrived but the one person who has the keys is not.

"Where is she? I thought she was following you guys?" Sammy asks, a little bit concerned.

We then heard a car and spotted a black matte jeep. "Sorry guys, I went to feed my car."

I smile and examine what she's wearing. Nike leggings with a flannel around her waist, and a crop tank as a top. It's similar to what I'm wearing but no flannel.

Once in the house, everybody was occupied. I brought all of my things in my room, then placed them. My room was across Sara's and it was perfect like that.

Her room was in the middle of the Jacks, and Nash's was in the back corner. About 3 hours of placing our stuff in. We were done, and tired.

"Wow, we moved in. It's official." I let out, nobody had the energy to respond. Sara's head was on top of Gilinsky's laps, while the others had closed eyes, and their heads were swung back on the couch.

I saw Cam went on twitter and tweeted something.

@camerondallas: Moving out and moving in is pretty exhausting! #NewHome

"It is," I whisper to him, and he smiles at me as a response. God, I love that kid.


I slowly opened my eyes to find Sara still napping on my lap. I smile to the view, the others are peacefully asleep on the couch.

I feel movements and see that Sara is slowly waking up. I don't know what to do, so I fall back 'asleep'. "Don't pretend to be asleep, I heard you smile."

"How can you hear a smile?" I ask shock, she rises up from my lap saying, "Well, I felt the vibration of your smile in your belly."

"That's genius. Hey, I have an idea," before I could say my idea she interrupted me.

"I know, we should wake them up with a prank."

"Exactly! So, what should we do?"

She thinks for a moment until her face lits up, and she explains. "I have an alarm sound on my phone, and we could yell 'fire, fire, everybody get up now' while playing the sound."

I agree with this magnificent idea that I didn't think of. "Ready? Set scream!"


After 2 minutes of yelling, everyone woke up and reacted. They were running towards the door while Sara and I were laughing our asses off.

"It's so not funny. There could have been a real fire." Sammy said while rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, that's not cool guys! I think I fucking peed myself," Johnson look at his shorts which were dry.

"Sorry not sorry, it was kind of worth it."

Nate checked the time and suggested we should get something to eat. It wasn't a bad idea since it was 19h30! Damn.

"Hey Nate, wanna call some take out?" Sara asks him starting a conversation with him.

"Yeah sure, dollface. What are you feeling for? There's Chinese, Mexican, burgers?" I watch them converse in the kitchen, Sara's sitting on the island while Nate on a stool.

"Oh, this one looks yummy. Call that one, and ask for the master meal. EVERYONE WE'RE EATING ITALIAN!" She yells from the kitchen and we gave her our green card.

Food came in an hour ago, and now we were pretty full. Hell, we were stuffed!

"I never ate that much before!" Johnson complained and rubbed his stomach.

"No, no. You did! Remember at that buffet place? We ate like 4 plates of everything!" Nash joined in, and I couldn't help to laugh at the memory.

"That buffet was fucking delicious!"

I love this. I'm glad to call those people my family, and they'll forever be. We finish the night talking, making little conversations sometimes or else interacting with everyone until we got tired and went each in our rooms.

I walk up, with Sara trailing behind me closing all the lights. "Good night Jack." She whispers, and I tell her back.

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