2. School's Out

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20 June 2014.


I wake up to the sound of a hairdryer being on. I get out of bed and knock on Sara's door.

"Come in." I walk into her room and saw her suitcase on her freshly made bed. I smile, she never leaves her bed undone.

"Hey Hayes, what's up?" The sound of the hairdryer finally stops and she looks at me with her big green eyes.

"Nothing, I heard your hairdryer so I decided to come here. Dad said I don't have to go to school today."

"I'm so sorry, I hope I didn't wake the others."

"Probably not. Are you excited to meet the boys?" I got her attention since she put her eyeliner on her table.

"Yeah, really! I also can't wait to meet fans." She smiles, with her white, straight teeth.

If Sara wasn't my cousin, I think I'd try and hit on her. I mean she's beautiful, intelligent and she is fun!

But I'm kind of young for her since she's 18, making her the oldest between Nash and me.

"They're so going to love you, I mean the guys, and obviously the fans." I laugh and she joins in.

"I hope so, but do they know? That I'm going on tour with them?" Oh, that was a good question.

"You know what let me check my twitter feed." I unlock my phone to the twitter application.

@JackJackJohnson: Magcon is back!

@taylorcaniff: Getting pumped! #bandanasready

No one mentions it, I scroll down and finally saw one who caught my eye.

@jackgilinsky: Stoked. Little newbie on tour with us #who

"Jack Gilinsky tweeted about it, but the rest didn't although I'm sure they know. Cam probably told a couple of them."

"Is he the one who sings with his best friend?" She asks as she finishes her make-up. I nod and she smiles, "do you really think they're going to like me?"

I nod again, "of course, they're stupid if they don't."


It was 7:40 when I left home, I told Hayes to bring my suitcase when they come and get me. I couldn't take my car since we're going directly to the airport to meet the guys. I'll miss my Jeep. So, my best friend Bethany came and pick me up. I didn't tell her yet but I'm planning on it.

"Beth? I have something to tell you but don't freak out." She looks at me with worried eyes but it was soon replaced with a little smile.

"I'm going on tour with my cousins and the other boys." She slams on the brakes, "holy shit Bethany."

"Shut the hell up! Is it Magcon? Oh my God! I'm so happy for you, you must be excited-wait when are you leaving?"

"At 7 pm."

"Holy shit, tonight! Why didn't you tweet about it?" I seriously don't know.

"I don't know, I might do it after school, anyways Cameron and my cousins are coming to pick me up." When I said Cameron her face lit up, she might have a tiny crush on him, so when he's over at home, she wants me to invite her.

"Luckiest girl ever." I laugh and grab my bag, realizing we're in the school's parking lot. When I get out of her blue mini cooper, the sun immediately warms my legs, oh I love LA.

"Wait are you going to be back for prom?"

"I think so, I mean prom is in 10 weeks or else I'll come here and then fly back, it's okay."

School was so fast today, I was already in fourth period, I check the time and it reads 2:59, one minute to go!

"School's Out!" Wesley yells as he kisses my right cheek, I hug him and he was out the door where Bethany waits for me. "I saw the boys," she said.

"Grier!" I turn around and see Cam, with open arms waiting for me to hug him, which I gladly did, then he went over to Beth.

"Your bags are in the trunk now it's time to leave, your pretty friends, and get in the car, Hayes and Nash already picked your things from your locker." At the word pretty, Bethany giggled.

I hug her one more time and whisper, "I'll text and call."

As I was walking with Cam to his car, I slap his arm. "What was that for?"

"Stop, giving fake hopes to her, you know she's crushin' on you." Cam laughs and wiggles his eyebrows, "tease."

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