29. NY Date

210 3 0

30 June 2014

I wore the most casual clothes I had in my bag, for an occasion like this.

Black ripped jeans, cherry off-shoulder top, and some black boots. That must do the trick.

I undo my bun, and my hair finds it way below my shoulders. I shuffle them and smile in satisfaction.

I apply another layer of mascara, brush my teeth, and put on some red lipstick. I took my purse, and put my phone, charger, and lipstick in it.

I lock my door and met Mahogany in the hallway doing the same. "Wow, you look amazing. Love the ears."

I complimented her after seeing the outfit she wore. Some high waisted jeans, a white crop with a floral coat, and some high pumps boots, of course, she was wearing some white lace ears.

"Me? Look at you, God I want your body frame. I mean look at the curves." I laugh and join my arm with hers.

"Oh shut up." Lox enters Sammy and Matt's room to find the boys still there, talking about something that seemed important since they didn't realize we were here.

Mahogany coughs, no reaction. This time she coughs louder. "What the fuck? We were standing there for like 5 minutes. What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, God, you are so beautiful, girls," Taylor says but it was directed to Lox.

"Have to agree with him, you girls are gorgeous. Now, come on the movie start in half an hour. We don't wanna miss it." Cameron said and stood up.

"Are we leaving with them?" I ask Jack who was looking at me up and down. "Or, you prefer to stay here and study me."

He looks up rapidly and grins, "What? Yeah, let's go, baby girl."

I love it when he calls me that, I think it's my nickname for Jack. And, I'm cool with it.

"Have fun guys," Jack says to the group who we dropped off at the movies, now the taxi was taking us to dinner or I thought he was. "You can leave us here."

Jack paid the driver and hop of the van. He stares at me to see if I was following and I was. He then grabs my hand and leads the way towards the diner. "I'm taking your hand because I don't want you to get lost, ya know."

"I know," I chuckle as I move my bodyside closer to his and hold onto his arm. He smiles at my movements.


I'm so happy right now like you have no idea how my cheeks hurt from smiling. Especially when Sara got closer and took a grab of my arm.

"Let's play twenty-one questions but not the naughty one." I laugh and nod, something to do.

"What did you think of me when you first saw me?"

"Holy shit, she's beautiful. Would you fall in love again?"

"Definitely. What kind of girl you're most attracted to?"

"Brunette, small, beautiful voice, nice smile, natural, who loves me for who I am, and that she has fun with my friends. What's the hardest thing you went through?"

"There are three things actually; when my parents died, when Wes started to be violent and when I got hate."

"You got hate? Why?"

"I was Nash and Hayes Grier's cousin who sought attention, but I guess with time they realized I didn't need any of it so they eventually stop."

Crazy, people could hate on this girl right here. We didn't have time to finish our game since our meal arrived, we decided to share huge plate-like real couples do.

"The last question; do you see us as a couple?" I choke on my own words, why in hell did I ask that. I don't-

"Most, definitely." I smile in triumph as I dig into our food.

"Shit, babe you've got to taste this." She holds her spoon and I open my mouth. THIS is what couples do, and I don't know why I freak every time she calls me babe I mean she calls everyone babe.

We were walking back from the diner to our hotel: hand in hand, talking about random things. We saw flashes and heard yells but yet no one came to see us. And, I was kind of thankful. We took a walk downtown and stopped at a music shop. It was deserted. That's How Strong My Love Is by Otis was playing in the speakers. "I just love this song, oh my God." 

Sara started singing along, "I'll be the rainbow after the tears are gone. Wrap you in my colors and keep you warm. That's how strong my love is, darling." She laughs and takes my hand, making herself spin. The old man at the counter sees us and smile, the volume went up. 

I sing with her. "I'm making it our song whether you like it or not." I smile and nod. "Thank you very much, Sir." 

We were back at the hotel now.

"So what movie do you wanna see?" I ask as she changes into something more comfortable.

"Anything, I'm letting you choose." I mark her words and choose a horror movie, I love this genre of movies. "Horror movie it is."

Fucking shit! How can she do that to me? She's wearing a long t-shirt and we clearly see she has no bra on. Sara jumps on her two single bed merged into one single bed and makes room for me. I take my shirt off and take my pants off to change into basketball shorts. I'm happy I don't have a boner..yet.

"Keep staring baby girl."

"Shut up, Jack." She laughs and put her hair in a bun. During, the movie I kept my arms around her waist while she laid her head on my chest. I could feel her boobs on my side. I never really watched the movie I was so concentrated on Sara's bare legs that tangled perfectly over my own.

"T-that movie was scary as fuck!" She said as I started to get up, "Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"I was about to get my stuff and go to my room?"

"Fuck no, you, Mr.Gilinsky are staying in my room tonight there's no way in hell I'm sleeping alone." I drop my things, close the lights and crawl back into bed with her. "Thank you."

I text Johnson something before.

I won't be back in our room, I'm staying with Sara tonight. See y'all tomorrow man.

Johnson: Oh, okay man. Good night, we're on our way back. ;)

We make ourselves comfortable, we had the same position as earlier. Sara lifts her head up so that she can stare at me. I open my eyes and smile. "What?"

"Nothing, I just forgot something." Just as I was about to open my mouth to reply she smashes her lips onto mine and kisses me passionately.

I immediately kiss back, our lips moved in perfect sync while both of our tongues fight for dominance, I gladly win. She pecks my lips once more before she pulls away. "I've been wanting to do that."

"You're not the only one," I replied before kissing her again. "I'm just glad that now I can do it whenever I want."

She smiles and turns her back to me while I pull her closer and wrap my arm around her as she takes my hand and places it close to her heart. I could feel every vibration of her body, from her legs to her ass, and to her heart.

I kiss her head and whisper, "Good night baby girl."

Author's Note: That was a hell of a long chapter! They got their first kiss woot-woot! 💕

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