25. Day with Madison

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29 June 2014


"She keeps texting me, to ask her," I told Johnson about Madison's text messages.

Mads: Did you ask her?

Mads: Come on, Matty don't ignore me. Have you talked to her?

She's not up yet, but I'll give her your number.

Mads: Okay, thanks.

"Well, she sure wants to meet Sara," he answers as he sips his freshly made cup of tea.

"Who wants to meet me?" We shot our heads up to see an energetic Sara, in her pajamas.

"Madison, here that's her number," I transferred her number into her phone. She kisses my cheek and says, "Good morning Matt."

And she repeats the same actions to Johnson. Sara sits down beside him and smiles.

"Why are you so happy this morning?" I ask while making her a cup of tea since she hates coffee just like JJ.

"My life is absolutely beautiful, Matt. I mean look at us, where we are, this is ours. Now look me in the eyes and tell me you're not happy to live under the same roof as me!" She starts laughing along with Johnson, that's when we heard footsteps.

"Morning guys!" She jumps off the stool and kisses each boy's cheek, hugged Bethany and she came back to the stool.

"Well, good morning to you too bbg!"

Everyone sat at the kitchen table fitting exactly 10 people. Cameron made breakfast today, and it's so good!

"Are you sure you didn't buy them? This is actually the best pancakes I've ever tried!" Beth exclaims, but half of her food fell out of her mouth which caused us to burst in waves of laughter. "Sorry."

"Who's going to cook from now on?"

"I can ensure you that everyone will be cooking in this house. Unless we decide to go out," the woman of the house said.

"Sara made it clear. We all get turns in the kitchen." Sammy says grinning.


"Don't worry about that, my father hooked us up with one of his maids," Bethany said and at this moment I think everybody loved her. She got us rid of chores!

"Thank God, we don't have to do chores!"

"Speaking of my dad, I need to go. I'll see you guys later." Right, she told us about her family dinner tonight.

"What are you guys doing today?"


All the boys seem to wonder what they're going to do today. Although, I know what I am going to do.

Hey Madison, it's Sara Grier! What about we meet up today?

Madison: Omg, hey! And sure, can't wait! What about we go shopping?

Mhm, great idea! Meet me at the central mall at 1?

Madison: I'll be there! I can't wait to get to know you..

Me neither!

"So have you guys figured it out?" I asked picking up our dishes and put it in the dishwater with the help of Gilinsky.

"No, but we are probably going to stay here, enjoy our pool and basketball court," I laugh to Matt's answer. They really do love to play basketball.

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