16. Speech

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24 June 2014


I can't sleep on planes, and I'm not the only one because Gilinsky is on his phone. He's been super quiet lately, I don't know what's up with him, but I have to say it scares the shit out of me. I nudge his elbow, and he stares at me.

"What's wrong man? You've been down for a while."

"I don't know, I think I'm nervous but I don't know why. I want to do something but I don't think I'm able." He looks over at the sleeping silhouette beside Sammy and sighs. "They've been getting closer every day."

So, that's what it was all about Sara and Sammy. "You like her?"

"No. I don't know, it's just every fucking time I see them together I get mad, or yesterday night at the meet and greets, Matt called her princess and I was pissed or something. And I know they've known each other for a while but I never felt that way before. I'm not even sure why because we're not even dating or anything. I've been wanting to ask her out but everytime my mouth opens when she's around I act like a fool, so that's why I've been quiet lately." I nod and try to think of something to say to my best friend.

"Look, Jack, why don't you tell her how you feel? Or- just get closer, so that you're sure you like her." That's the best I could say, I never saw him like this before.

"You know what? I'm gonna do it. I'll wait after her graduation, to ask her out. Plus, were staying at Nash's before Magcon continues. I'm going to have time with her." It's a great idea, what Jack just said, but honestly, I'm scared that Sammy already laid his eyes on Sara because he's stroking her hair. Oh God, I hope Gilinsky don't turn around because he'd be pissed.


We landed in LA a couple of hours ago, and I seriously couldn't wait to be back in my room. I could call Annie over and she could help me write my speech, yeah that's what I'm going to do.

"You can start by telling me, all about tour THEN we can start to write the damn speech," Bethany tells me, and jump on my bed. I spin on my computer chair and face her.

"Alright. Tour was great! I got to know a lot of new people, and I really like them. The fans were incredible until last night but it doesn't matter-" she cut me off.

"Okay, that bitch better not give you any other hate or else I'm going to beat the shit out of her. Although, I want to know more about boys." I laugh but stopped when I realized she was serious.

"What about boys. They're great, but there's two that stands out from the others. Jack Gilinsky and Sammy Wilkinson, I'm telling you Omaha boys rocks!"

"Oh my God, it's happening. Grisky and Grammy." I look at her like she was crazy because I'm not sure what she's mumbling about. "Gilinsky and Grier. Sammy and Grier. Combine the two names together, you were trending on twitter!"

"Really? Cute, anyways can we get back to the real stuff please?" I ask pointing to my pen and paper, she nods but at her phone and I start to write.

Good afternoon, teachers, parents, fellow graduates, students of West High and friends.

Well, here we are. We have now all been together for four years. As everyone knows high school is the best years of our lives. We shared laughs and created memories. I look over at my peers and see something in their eyes, a dream. Everyone has a dream, and it's never too late to live it. Why would I say such a thing?

Because wherever we're going to be, there will be an open door and that door is our new career and our school has ably prepared us for it. As we bid farewell to the old school this evening, never again to enter as students, we will not say goodbye, but au revoir, for, we will meet again, as visitors.

In the years to follow we shall have many happy homecomings, but this, our graduation, will remain the brightest memory amongst them and will be symbolic of our hopes-dreams- and ambitions. May they all come true.

Thank you, and congratulations to West High class of 2014!

I finish my speech within minutes, I think I was inspired. I can't wait to read it in front of everyone! Although now, I need to show it to someone. I think of B, but I don't want to ruin the surprise, oh I know, Nila!

"Hey, sweetie. How's the speech going?"

"That's why I came, I want your advice on it." I handed her my paper, and she started reading it when she finishes she flashes me a smile.

"It's perfect. I can't believe you're graduating, sweetheart."

"I can't either, but I'm happy that I am." I hug her, and then went back to my room to find Beth missing.

I heard laughs, so I went into Nash's room and saw both of the Jacks, Cameron, and Bethany.

"I didn't know you were staying with us?" I said considering Gilinsky is shirtless in shorts and there were two beds on the floor.

"Until tour starts again, beautiful," Gilinsky answered, and I know that I blushed.

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