37. Confessions

160 2 1

5 July 2014


I set my car keys on the table making Madison jump. I'm not going to apologize, she's done worst to me. "I want to start off this conversation by saying, I am completely and fully mad at you."

Her face searches for any signs of danger. "I knew that already. Look, Sara. Honestly, Justin obliged me to come here and apologize but I don't feel like it because I am not sorry about last night. I did my business with Sammy, Hayes and now Jack G. That's all I ever wanted." With her long fingers, she takes her smoothie glass and takes a sip. "I'm only sixteen and stole your boyfriend. I must have something that you don't. I wonder what that is." Madison arranges her shirt so that we could see her cleavage.

"Oh my God, are you serious? Boobs? I saw you take push up bras Mads and just to be clear, Gilinsky likes ass better than racks. Oh, last time I checked I had an ass and you didn't. So, if you're here trying to scare me away with your boobs and photoshopped body. Try again, you fucking minor." What the fuck has this world come to?

I grab my belongings, pay the check and storm off. If she thinks, I'm going to let her do that to me, she's on Mars right now. Paparazzi followed me up to my car and started asking me questions.

Is it true? What is the media saying about Jack Gilinsky & Madison Beer?

Are you done with Gilinksy? We need to know!

I shake my head to all questions finding a way to get behind my steering wheel. "You want answers, Miss. Beer is in the club." I slam my door in their faces. I search in my bag for my phone, and can't find it. "Don't tell me, I left it on the table. Please. God, why are you doing this to me." I go back in to find our seats empty. I look under the table and smile at the sight of my phone.

6 New Messages.

Johnson: Yoo, come home soon!
Beth: Girl, where you at?
Noah: How's everything going?
Sammy: We sorted things out.
Gilinsky: Come back, please.
Justin: Meet me at my house, 14h.

I look at the time, 13h30 PM. I had time, the engine roar to life as I switch the key on Start. "Yeah, Johnson? I'm going to see Justin, don't worry I'm fine. What? Oh no, haha. Madison, that's the old friend I was going to see. No, don't. I'll call you later. Okay, see ya."

I let my phone on my lap, and turn in directions of the hills. I arrived at 14h05 PM, that's not bad. "Sara! Oh God, how are you?" He held me in his arms for a while.

"I'm fine, really. It's his loss, I guess. Why did you want me to come?" I ask, placing my purse on his couch.

He smirks, "Well, I know you and I know that sometimes you like to get away for a little while. So, I thought I'd bring you over to my Lakehouse. What do you say? Are you in?"

Before, I could answer my phone vibrated. It's an alarm: Prom in less than 20 Hours! "Holy fucking shit! I have prom tomorrow!"


"You're not going with Jack, I hope."

She shakes her head, "No. Probably not."

"I can go with you if you want me to?" I ask smiling. She looks at me, then nods. "Sure! But, don't you think that it's going to be overwhelming?"

"I'm used to it. Anyways, I'm coming for you not them."

"Thanks. I appreciate it. Oh, what's cooking?"

Sara takes her wine glass and stands in front of the bar stool while I cut some onions. "Linguini Arisoma," I smile and make her taste the sauce.

"That's too good!"

We watch some movies and talked about things. Like, yesterday night. "Did she apologize?"

"No, but I'm sure she'll deny it."

I smirk, "Let's find out. Yo Mads, it's J. How did it go?" I ask once I dialled Madison's number and put it on speaker.

"I don't know, I apologized and she just left. Real mature."

"Really? Is that so? Okay, well until then you're off the deal." Sara smashed a pillow over her face to keep her from laughing.

"Wh-what? No, please don't do this.  I did what you told me to do-"

"No, you didn't. I sent someone to spy on you guys, and he was next to you guys. It was all part of your plan, wasn't it? Well, it was great working with you. Bye now." I hung up.

"I adore you," she throws the pillow. "But, you didn't have to do that? And did you really?"

I shake my head laughing, "No, but it doesn't surprise me. Also, I didn't even discover her. Madison's mom paid Scooter and whatsoever." I shouldn't be telling her that, but she just makes me want to spill everything I have on my mind.

"No way, he let you do that? That's so great!" She laughs sending her head backwards. I told her about that time Scooter rented Jeeps and we rode them out in the Amazonia.

"Your life is crazy," I smile.

"About the getaway Sara-"

"Of course, but I just don't know when. I have the Magcon Tour, and I don't know when it finishes."

My eyes widen, she didn't read the news. "Sara, Magcon got cancelled."

"What? How?"

"Bart apparently got sued for taking all the money."

"I didn't know, about that." She shrugs. "I guess I can after all."

"It's going to be great, I promise you." I smile and she smiles back. She's such a pretty girl.

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