9. Dinning

339 6 1

22 June 2014


Sara and I chatted about my new song This Dance, and how I'm going to make a romantic video.

We visited the hotel and it was huge, I think Matt got lost with Taylor and Lox.

I saw a music room with a beautiful piano, I could maybe play while were in Dallas.

Sara saw the piano too, she kind of looked amazed by it, but she tried not to show it.

"Shit, Kenny check that out." Taylor pulled my arm into an enormous room, where there was booths, a stage, and a big area for the fans.

"This is why I love Dallas so much, it's so huge," I said, and everyone agreed.

"Boys! Can we go grab some food? I'm starving!" Mahogany pleaded, and to be honest, no one says no to food.

"I'm feeling Mexican," Cameron said.

"Chipotle!" We all yelled in unison, which was pretty sick.

"Oh sî, mammy!" Gilinsky cheered in Spanish, this made us all laugh.

God, I'm so glad I know each one of them.

"Hey Kenny, you coming or you're just gonna hang here alone?" I heard Nash's voice, "sorry bro, I'm coming."

I walk over to my friends, I mean family.

We got in a huge van that had 14 places so enough for all of us to sit in. Hayes, Nash, and Sara were talking in whispers so I didn't quite catch what they were saying. We got to Chipotle in a matter of time, since it was close to the hotel.

I tweeted something before we got inside.

@iamKennyHolland: Chipotle in Dallassss with my crew.. #YesPlease


I was so happy to go to a Mexican Restaurant, I was craving tacos.

"You better not snore or else I'll kick you," Sara said to Sammy.

I was kind of pissed that Sammy shared a room with Sara because I am interested in her. I just hope they won't get too close.

"Don't worry, I don't snore." Sammy smiled.

I need to ask her out before he does, because I know she's his type. I watch them play punch each other.

"You have to tell her Jack." Mahogany whispers so only I can hear.

"What are you talking about Lox," I said with my neutral voice and squint my eyes a little, which I shouldn't have done because she knows it's my tell.


"Fine, but I'm getting to know her before." But I know I already like everything about her.

We took a banquet for our group and ordered right away since everyone knew what they were going to take.

"I'll take the MexTacan, with no tomatoes," I said.

"I'll take the same thing," Sara said and smile over at me since we sat across and she sat beside Sammy and Shawn.

As we were waiting for our meals, we chatted about everything really, what we're going to do on the following day, or later in the afternoon.

We even talked about our last show which was amazing! Also about the questions.

When we were talking about the questions I felt kicks, and look up to see Sara smiling but not looking at me. I kick her back but not hard, she laughs and then our orders arrived.

Sara leaned over her plate and looked at me straight in the eyes, "buena apetito."

I smile, "buena apetito, mi bella."

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