26. Back on Tour

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29 June 2014


"Guys! Is it ready? I think I hear her car coming!" I yell at the boys when I hear an engine coming closer.

"It's ready, come on." I sprint towards the boys hitting my fucking little toe! "Good Lord!"

All the lights were off, and we were in the kitchen waiting for her. The 'errands' we had to do was our supper tonight. Although, she didn't know.

The key makes some noise finding the lock and the door is open. "I'm home! Anyone ther- where the hell are they? Boys!"

I could hear heels coming closer to the kitchen, she puts her phone on the charger and opens the lights. "Ahh, what the fuck boys?"


"What's all this, boys? Wait- that's what you were getting at the mall today?"

"Yup! We decided as a group that we needed to tell you something. We are really thankful for your existence." I start.

"Oh come on boys, don't say that. Get to the point, you know I'm not big on cheesy moments." The boys laugh at her confession. "We just want to say thank you, roomie," Sammy says.

"For what?"

"For everything beautiful. Making us laugh, bringing us to heaven with your voice, and you dealing with us." Gilinsky finishes. "Awh, you guys come here."

We huddled around her giving small hugs to each other. Next, we ate, and the rest of the night, it was pretty calm. "Guys, there's a phone ringing."

"That's mine!" Sara gets up and runs over to her phone, she reads something and her eyes went wide. "Guys, we forgot something. We are going back on tour tomorrow morning. SHIT, my bags aren't ready!"

How could we possibly forget that! "Cam, don't forget to bring your laptop," Sammy comes and inform me. I nod putting it in my bag.


I'm so dumb! I asked Sara out but we're going back on tour, how are we going to go on a date. We are constantly moving around. Oh, I have an idea.

I close my bag and put it at the feet of my door, and check on Johnson. "You good, bro?"

"Yeah, man thanks though."

I make my way to Sara's room, and I see her zip her bag with a smile. "I'm really glad you said yes," I tell her as I walk in her room, take her bag and put it next to mine. "I'm glad I did."

"I'm going to talk to Nate." And with that, she left me alone in her room. So, I look around. There's a lot of pictures, some with Beth, some friends, with Nash and Hayes, With Kylie? And Justin Bieber! With her parents. Wow, her mom looks just like her. Who is that? That can't be Wes? What's that box?

"You're still here, what are you looking at?" Sara asks as she follow where my gaze was

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"You're still here, what are you looking at?" Sara asks as she follow where my gaze was. She walks to the frame with Wesley and put it down. "It's nobody."

"Sara, it's okay. You kept it for memories, don't worry I understand." I said walking to her, opening my arms. "I still have pictures with my ex."

"I'm sorry, it's just, it's the last picture where he was actually nice and charming. And, the fact it was taken with me well it's hard to burn it."

I understand her, it's not like I erased all my pictures with Leigh. I still have a couple.

"What did you talk about with Nate?" I ask her and sits on her desk chair.

"That, if he wanted to invite people over he could. But, our rooms are off limits," she smiles at me. A beaming bright smile. "We should get some sleep, we are technically leaving in three hours for the airport."

"I can't wait to bring you on a date," I whisper once I was out the door.

30 June 2014

"Bags are in the trunk, can someone please wake Sara up!" I heard Sammy yell, and I immediately run into her room.

"Hey, babe wake up." She moves and stretches, how can she be so beautiful in the morning. "I'm up, I'm up."

She pulls her hair into a knot and grabs a sweatshirt off her bed.


The ride to the airport was rather short. Which was surprising, since we left at five and it's now 5:30 AM.

Muffin: It's time...

I sigh at Shawn's text message, eventually, we met everyone at Terminal 3 where we were boarding. I make eye contact with Shawn and he nods.

"Everyone, wait. Shawn has something to say." I said and everyone stares at Shawn.

"As you can see, I don't have any bags. And you all know that I'm going on a world tour pretty soon, right?" There were a couple nod and smiles.

"But, you guys didn't know that it started in a couple of days. I'm going with Austin Mahone, so I won't be going back on tour with you guys."

"What the hell?" Matt said, with a flush of red in his face.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner, Shawn!"

"HEY GUYS! What the fuck are you guys doing? You should be proud of him, it's hard for Shawn too. We'll miss him, everybody will. But, come on he's going on a worldwide tour with Austin Mahone! I'M FUCKING PROUD OF YOU MUFFIN!" Matt and Hayes sigh, while I jump into Shawn's arms and kiss him on the cheek.

"She's right. We're sorry, man. Don't think we're not proud of you, we are, it's just so sudden. But, congrats bro."

We do a mega hug before really boarding the plane. I hug Shawn one last time before waving him goodbye, and I follow Gilinsky to our seats.

Before, I put my phone on airplane mode I get a text.

Muffin: Well that went well? Kind of. Anyways, look in your left pocket... I promised you. Oh and by the way, Life Of The Party was inspired by you 😘

I smile and find his iPod in my pocket. "What's that?"

"Shawn's iPod. There are new songs in there." Jack takes an earplug and places it in his ear. I look through the songs and find Life Of The Party. "This song was inspired by me. Just saying." I smile and press play.

I fall asleep to Shawn's beautiful voice, with a smiling Gilinsky next to me.

I love it when you just don't care, I love it when you dance like there's nobody there.

So when it gets hard, don't be afraid. We don't care what them people say.

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