17. 4 Boys & 2 Girls

239 3 0

24 June 2014


I seriously can't believe I'm hanging with Cameron in Los Angeles.

"B, do you want anything to drink?" I shot my head towards the talking person, Cameron stands there with his wallet in hands.

"What? Oh yeah, but it's okay I can pay for myself." I give him my brightest smile.

"Come on Beth, let me buy you a drink." If he phrases it like this then of course.

"Thanks. I'll have the pink lemonade please." The cashier took our order, and Cam paid.

I walk to Sara's side and pull her arm a little. "Oh my God, he just bought me a drink."

"Shh, he could hear you. Go back to him, maybe it's a start to a new love story."

"Stop, don't do this to your best friend." She laughs and motions over to Cam.

"Here's your drink, beautiful," Cam said and hands me my freshly made Starbuck drink.

Why is he so blind, can't he see I've fallen in love with him?

We sit at a table, close to a window and begin to converse. I got to know more about the two Jacks, although I was more interested in Gilinsky's story, don't blame me I'm doing this for my best friend.

"Have you heard from the others?" Sara suddenly asks, off topic.

"Matt is with Justin. Taylor went back at his place along with Lox. Sammy is with Nate and Kenny. Shawn, I think he's recording a new song, and Hayes well he's hanging with Alex." Nash answered, and everyone seemed to wonder how the hell he knows that. "I just texted them."

"I can't wait for graduation guys, it's stressing me out, but I'm glad I finished my speech!" Sara said across from me.

"You're already done? Shit, I don't know how you do it." I said she didn't even tell me she was done.

"Speaking of graduation. What should I wear? Formal? Casual? Both?" Cameron asks and the Jacks nod to his question, expecting an answer for them too.

My heart pumped like crazy, why did I not know my crush is going to be at my graduation?

"Keep it casual, but like you know; button up shirt with nice pants." I nod to Sara's answer, he'd be hot in a button-up shirt.

"Oh hey, Beth!" I look at Sara across the table who just shouted my name.


"Did Peter finally asked you to prom?" Sara's question fills my mind.

Should I ask her to prom before he does? What no, we're not even dating. Or maybe I should ask her anyway... I'll wait for a sign.

"No. He's euh- bringing Wendy to prom. I don't really care though, I'm kind of glad he hasn't asked me." Oh yeah, that's God telling me to ask her.

"What about you? I know you ended things with Wes but people are still hoping you go together."

"I am so not letting this happen. Sara, you know how he was with you." Nash said with a threatening tone.

"I know, I'm not going with him. I think I might be going with Noah like we planned, but I'm not sure since he's crushing on this girl. He's probably going with her but I don't really mind if I'm going alone. We could always go together as like killer best friends," she finishes her sentence looking at Bethany and her beautiful friend nod a yes.

Well, I'm sorry Sara but I'm taking your best friend to prom. Gilinsky should ask her, I know he likes her.

We decided to leave Starbuck's and hang in the hot air of Los Angeles.

"You're very pretty Beth, I just thought you should know," I whispered only for her to hear since the others are in the front.

Her dimple appeared on her right cheek when she smiles and says, "thank you, Cam."

I don't know why I did that, but my arm magically found her shoulders and stayed there. B looks up at me and we stare in each other's eyes for a while, until someone cough.

"Sorry to bother you guys, but there's this arcade who just opened, and we were heading over there," Nash said, and he looks at me with a confused look, but then his eyes widen.

I told him I liked Bethany, and now he seemed to remember.

"Sorry, come on," I told her and she shrugs.

"We have to get some of those pictures," Sara said as she walks up to a photo booth. Everyone agreed and got in the very small room.

I sat on the bench with Gilinsky, Nash and Johnson were standing behind us, Bethany sat on my lap, and Sara sat on Gilinsky's lap. I place my hand on Bethany's thigh, and Jack does the same but Sara's hand is on top of his.

They're going to end up together, I feel it.

"One, two, and smile." The flash blinds us all, but the picture was going to be nice.

The second one, we did goofy faces. The third one, all the boys looked at the girls when they were looking at each other. The fourth one my favorite; Beth kissed my cheek, Sara kissed Gilinsky's cheek and the boys behind made an oh my God face.

We made copies of them so everyone could have one, and we wandered off to the arcade games.

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