21. Meeting I

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26 June 2014


After Sara's graduation, we decided to take our first beer as a group on the rooftop of Grier's house. That's where she told everyone what happened with her ex-boyfriend and this Madison girl.

"So what technically happened between you?" Johnson asked, and all eyes were on Sara now.

"It happened at the beginning of the year, I was dating this guy Wesley, he was such a sweetheart kind of like you Matt. I wasn't in the popular crowd, I was in my crowd with his friends and mine. We went to this party once, and then everything changed, he started to be physically violent and I was scared to death like you guys have no idea. A couple of days later, I found him kissing Madison in the middle of the school hallways, I mean we were still together, we just had a rough time. Since then, Madison keeps being a bitch to me and says to everyone in school that she stole my boyfriend. Although I don't really care because no one likes her at school, and they knew the truth. That's what happened."

Everyone was speechless, how could someone do this to her, she's literally perfect.

"Your ex- wasn't there at graduation?" Mahogany said, and Sara nods.

"He never comes to these things, then he would have."

"You knew him?" Taylor asks Nash, as he gulps down the last drop of his beer.

"Yeah, he was pretty nice until he starts being violent with Sara, Hayes and I used to see her come home crying, that's when I knew something was up. And now she knows that I need to approve with her next boyfriend, right?"

Sara laughs, along with some of the boys and girls. "I know Nash, don't worry." She places her empty beer on the ground as I finish mine.

"Holy fucking shit, guys do you know what time it is?" Kenny asked, moments later all phones were out, "it's 1:30 AM."

It was still hot outside and everyone was pretty tired now that we knew the time so Nash and Sara went to get blankets and pillows with the help of Nate.


No stop, Wes leave me alone. Don't touch me, stop!

I was running away from his house, with my shaky breath. But I knew he was right behind me, I didn't have time, he caught my arm and pushed me on the ground.

I wake up panting, Jesus it looked so real. The sun was up
and it was shining on everyone's face. 9:56 AM we slept for some good hours.

I take my phone and walk in the house, I see Chad and Nila with a tired Skylynn at the table.

"Hey sunshine, did everyone sleep well on the roof?" Nila asks, and I give her a thumbs up, we laugh.

"Hey Chad, where's the meeting at? Should I dress formal or like usual?"

"265 Pinewood, Blvd. It's not far, you can take your car. Jimmy brought it yesterday when you guys were on the roof." I smile, finally my baby is back.

I was talking with Nila when we heard footsteps. Everyone walked in and said their good mornings.

"Nash, by 10:30 AM you better be ready to leave," I told him and he nods checking his phone.

"Guys, I'm going to head back at my house with Lox and Kenny. See you all later." Taylor, Kenny, and Lox said goodbye and left. Soon followed by Cam, Beth, Matt, and Shawn.

"I'll go say hi to my baby, be right back." I grab my keys and walk away, I heard G say, "who?"

Oh my God, it's fresh as new. I was searching for my CD in the backseat when I heard cursing.

"Holy shit, is this your fucking car? I can't believe this shit- it's wow." I laugh at G's comment.

"Slow down pretty boy, it's only a jeep." Jack looked at me like I was crazy.

"Just a jeep? Are you serious? It's like customized, I bet this car could cost half a million."

"Whatever you say, Jack. I need to get ready, don't mind if you follow me."

I flip through my closet, I took a floral playsuit and some pink heels.

"Do you know what the meeting is about?" I look at Jack who is on my bed.

"Nope at all, although it's with my parent's notary so I'm guessing it's about documents." I take my clothes and go behind my changing board.

"What would you want to do after?" I mumble a don't know while I clip my shoes.

"How do I look? Is it too much? I don't know what to wear, and this is the best thing I could find." G chokes, and smiles at me.

"You are perfect, I mean it's perfect for a meeting like this." He coughs and stands up, he opens the door and I walk out.

"Come on, Nash. We're going to be late." I said, then took my car keys and said goodbye to everyone.

"Oh, your car's back!"

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