8. Next Stop

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22 June 2014


We were waiting at the airport with some tired eyes and our bags. Good thing I dressed in leggings with a hoodie, so comfortable!

"Hey-hey come here, get on my back." Shawn patted my arm and I listened to him. It was 6:15 AM and I were still tired from last night.

Directly when I laced my arms around his neck my eyes closed.

Mahogany was on Matt's back and she was sleeping too.

"Girls." I heard Nash whisper, I slap the back of his head with eyes closed.

"Shit, she's like a ninja." That I think was Kenny's voice.

Shawn started walking, and footsteps followed him.

"Sara, hey, seat down here." I slowly open my eyes to see I was seated in the middle between Gilinsky and Hayes.

"Ah, finally I get to sit beside my cousin," Hayes says, which caused me to smile.

I lay my head on Hayes' shoulder and look at Jack who was peacefully sleeping.

"Hayes it's her birthday tomorrow," I told my sleepy cousin about my mother's birthday.

"I know, we're going to do something I promise." He kisses my forehead and slowly starts to drift away but I couldn't.

I didn't stop thinking about her birthday, she'd be 43 years old tomorrow. I was imagining what would it be like if my parents were still alive, I think I stopped thinking about it because my head was heavy and my eyes were itching, that's when I started drifting away like Hayes.

Hayes moved so I move my head to the other side, to a hard muscular shoulder yet very comfortable.


The flight attendant made her speaker crack so it woke everyone up.

It was sunny outside, and it was about 8h in the morning when we got to Dallas.

We had our bags and we were now in the hotel lobby.

"I'm sorry but everyone will need to share a room." The worker said, and everyone agreed since we didn't have a choice.

Taylor and Mahogany. Matt and Shawn. Jack and Jack. Cam and I. Kenny and Hayes. Sara and Sammy.

I personally wanted the two girls together but they didn't seem to mind.

Sammy smiled over at Sara which she returned but then went to talk with Gilinsky and Johnson.

"Sammy boy, you're the lucky one who gets to sleep in the same room as my cousin," I ask but it sounded more like a statement.

"Yup I am, don't worry Nash we ain't gonna do things." He laughs while I punch him. "I was serious, even if she's my type."

"That's not what I meant but good to know." I smile and look over at Sara who was talking to Kenny, now about his new song, This Dance.

She is beautiful, she has those traits that only her mother had, but she got the sense of humor of a Grier; her father.

She doesn't even look like us, I mean Hayes and I. Although she does have green eyes just like Skylynn, or sometimes she got blue eyes just like Hayes and me.

"Sup man? What got you so caught up?" Cam asks as he searches for where I was looking.

"Nothing bro, just being in Dallas brought some pretty sick memories!" I lied but told the truth at the same time. We do have some memories here.

"Dallas get ready because here we are," Johnson said while everyone was checking the hotel a little bit.

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