34. Birthday Sex?

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4 July 2014


I was talking to Justin a few minutes earlier, he decided to throw Sara a huge birthday party. All of Sara's friends will be there, well famous people I guess.. although I did ask for Noah to come!

"7 PM, be ready guys. I'm serious, she's not going to believe it!"

"Who's not going to believe it?" I turn my head towards the door frame and there was Sara with a confused look on her face.

"You, we're taking you out to this place. So, baby 7 PM be ready."  She smiles and walked away.

I did a few more phone calls, including Shawn and Matt. "Yo Shawn its Gilinsky, look I know you're on tour and everything but it's Sara's birthday and Bieber organized a birthday bash for her! And it would really-"

"Bro, calm down. I'll be there I promise. I wouldn't miss her 18th birthday. I'll see you tonight."

Great! Now Matt... "Hello, is Matthew there?"

"Matt speaking?" I laugh at his response. "Hey Matt, it's G. How's everything going on for you?"

"Not that great, my mother is still sick. She's being transferred to the Beacon Hills Medical Centre. We're on our way over there actually. Why?" I decided to abort the mission.

"Oh no, I hope she gets better soon. I wanted to ask you if you'd come to a birthday bash but considering your situation it's no. And, she will completely understand!"

"Sara's? Oh no, I can come. Beacon Hills is in California, I'll fly there then come back at the hotel I rented here."

"You don't have to, Matt." I started arguing with him which he totally won by the way. So, I texted Matt and Shawn the time and the address.

Everything is planned, well I think.


"Wow, you look- gorgeous," Noah said looking at me up and down. I decided to show him how my prom dress looked on me and judging by his face, well it looks good.

"Yeah? I hope Jack will like it, he hasn't asked me out to prom yet you know. And I know he's not supposed to or anything but I wish he'd did."

"He'll come around, I mean look at you. If he doesn't he's blind." I smile and change into something lighter. I check the time and saw it was 5:50 PM, it's already that late?

"Noah, if you don't mind. I'll be going into the shower, so close the door on your way out. Thanks." I grab my things and get in the bathroom.

I don't know why but the hot water running on my body makes me think and it's like deep thoughts.

What's going to happen now?

Is it college or it's this life?

What should I choose?

Knock knock...

"Yeah?" I heard the door open and then close again. What the hell?

I notice a male figure through the glass door, Jack. "What are you doing?"

"Can't have fun with my girl?" He smirks and gets in. I didn't hide, it felt right letting him see me that exposed. Jack starts kissing my neck, running his hands down my two arms whispering things in my ear. "I'm going to do stuff to you, and when I'll be done. You'll be begging for more."

I couldn't stand it, I took matter into my own hands. I turn around swiftly and kiss his damp lips running my hands through his soaking black hair. I pull down on his bottom lip making him groan. He grabs every inch of my body and pins me on the ceramic cold wall. My head immediately falls back when he decides to leave his marks on my neck.

"Ja-" I tried to say his name but I couldn't. The pleasure he was giving me was surreal. He looks at me, searching for a sign that I don't want this to happen but nothing.
"Jack, I want to. I'm ready for you."

To that, he kisses my lips as he slowly enters me. I moan, and he groans, my hands roaming around his body and the wall making the shower close. I moan again, earning a smirk from Jack. "I love you so fucking much." He whispers once he's completely out of my body.

"I love you too baby boy." We kiss passionately before going out of the shower. "Holy fuck!"


"It hurts," I smile and look down at my feet. "It's okay baby girl, no one will know." We start laughing until a knock on the door interrupted us. Ah shit!

"It's 6:30 guys! Hurry up!"

"Fuck, fuck. I need to get dress, babe I'll see you later!" I push Jack out of my room and immediately search through my closet.

Dress, that's for sure. Heels, that too. I'll go with curly hair and make up simple, very simple. I have nice skin so I don't really need foundation. Tada!

I walk downstairs finding everyone waiting in the kitchen, having a glass of water. As soon as my perfume filled the air, all eyes were on me.

"Holy fucking shit, baby," Jack said amazed, looking at my body up and down. Followed by Sam, Wes, and Skate's gaze. I laugh uncomfortably. Maybe, the dress was too tight for my body. Bethany smirks at me and nods at the dress considering she's the one who bought that dress a summer ago.

"We should go," I said, then turn on my heels leaving the boys watching my ass.

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